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Monday, June 29, 2020

Another Trip Among the Sheep

So here I am little Michelle, child of God, who loves the Lord with all her heart. Just as David lived in his youth, following both the commands of his earthly and heavenly father. 

Anyone who knows me from my childhood can tell you that I always try to do what is right for myself and others. My family even called me their “little nun.”  Well, they also called me the Wicked Witch and I have been known as the troublemaker slapped in the middle of six brothers. But I think it is because I have always gone into life thinking we all need to live it to the fullest. No holding back!  

And for me a big part of that was being with God. I was never satisfied with just learning the basics. I wanted to know the fullness of the situation.  I wanted to read the Bible stories to see how the characters interconnected. I don’t think i have ever read the Bible from cover to cover (although I have read the entire Bible many times!) because there were too many times a story would pick up somewhere else in the Scriptures and I would need to track it down. Sometimes one little verse would send me in so many directions, I forgot where I started. 

But I never lose sight of the fact that through all the Bible, God loves his people!  All of us!  The good, the bad and the ugly!  He wants his creation to know, love and serve Him so all is well in the world! 


So placing myself in the story of David and Goliath, I am a child of God.  I am living in the fields of this world where there are dangers and obstacles and work. I do not know what will happen next. I do not know how I will protect my little lambs from the lions. But I do know that God will give me the strength to push through the difficult times. 

In my life, I have confronted other difficulties. Funny how most of these happened because I wandered off the path. Thought I could do things in my own way. That if i did not look or act so religious maybe others would accept me. But in the end I learned that i could not accept myself. I remain an outspoken child of God. 

Wow!  So much more to say!!  But I got carried away. I will continue these thoughts later. I am still just the field help out on a morning stroll with the sheep!  


I am NOT trying to paint a perfect person in my story. Just like all of us, I was an ornery little one who “knew” what was best and let people know it. I was spoiled and knew it. I was loved by those around me and took advantage of my unique position as being the only girl in my realm for the first 8 years of my life. 

I will be the first to say that I liked my unique spot not just at home but at church and school. We lived in a small town and I thought my little world was the best place to be. 

I never tried to be a know it all but I do know that God has gifted me with intelligence and I was confident in sharing my thoughts from an early age. Sometimes that meant I was a blaring horn of I know the right answer.  I am sure my brothers got tired of hearing how they needed to be nice to their sister when I wanted to tag along in their adventures but somehow they would give in. I also know I hogged the toys and made all their boy toys part of my girly plans. 

I am strong willed to this very day. Some would say controlling.  Others would call me bossy. I like to think i still try to do what is best for those around me but i am sure there are other ways to make the world go around. 

The short of it...I can use some knock down in the pride aspect of my life. Just so everyone knows I hold true to what I have said all along. this is no sugarcoated fairy tale!

God bless!

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