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Sunday, April 28, 2013

What a Week!

Well...after Monday...things did settle down for the most part.  Just a little update of our week so Michael can get caught up with the family.  Most people will find the week somewhat subdued compared to our normal crazy adventures...except for the big finally tonight!

We had our regular school week as well as our weekly 4H events (Robotics...WHEP was canceled).  Then we served spaghetti to the college group on Wednesday.

Thursday I was supposed to go on a retreat for my Spiritual Direction training.  I was a little concerned leaving the children because they were all sick with colds.  However, Wednesday morning I was informed the that the retreat was canceled due to flooding.  This was disappointing but it did help free up some time to get caught up around the house.

I also started the work on our bathroom remodel.  I am actually having someone come out to do this job...but I was told to save money, I could remove the wallpaper. much as I hate doing it...with the help of hot water and is slowly coming down!

Friday brought a little excitement to our week.  We were supposed to meet our friend to pick up our rain barrels (It was so nice for her to make these for us!).  When we arrived, we found out there was a need for a Woodsy appearance.  SO...Sean was once again in the role of this conservation icon!  He had a great time teaching the students about the trouble with pollution.

Saturday Sean had his try at an entomology contest (see post).  Then we missed a birthday party...much to the disappointment of Edward at the local skating rink.  Only to be invited to a second birthday party on Sunday.  I asked the girls if they would like to join us and they were excited to have this opportunity to skate (it had been several years since they had gone skating!)

Sunday morning started out crazy...I found the freezer thawed out (third time this year) and we had to cook about $500 worth of meat and other food to keep it from spoiling...yep...I just gone to the store!  In fact, I gave some food to our local homeless shelter so it would be of some good.  I was NOT happy with the boys (not sure which one was the culprit) and I told Christina that once again they should be thankful for the Sunday Mass saving them from any danger of strangling (all bark and no bite I assure you!).  I thought it was funny that today we celebrated Child Abuse Prevention with the importance of children emphasized in the sermon!  God spoke right to my heart and I determined that in spite of the chaos...even food lost was no reason to get so upset!

So...after a long couple of hours of cooking meat to refreeze...and a trip out to our apiary to add supers to the tops for our extra honey stores (more on that later...thankfully we only had three stings and only minor reactions!)...we raced out the door with birthday gift in hand.

We were having a great time roller skating (actually I do not skate and was the self deemed photographer) when it all happened.  Henry comes racing over to me yelling that Amanda hit her head hard!  I was just about to take a cute picture of Brendan holding Zaira, so I turned and headed straight to Amanda...not even thinking about leaving Zaira in Brendan's arms (he did a great job by the way!)  I got to Amanda and her face was already swelling on the right side...I was hollering for people to move out of the way and asking for ice....I think people thought I was crazy.   We got Amanda checked out and determined that the best thing to do was get her home to rest.  Christina drove her home and I was right behind them with the boys.

The strange thing about it was much as her head hurt...Amanda's elbow hurt her more.  I tried giving her pain reliever but it did not help.  So after a call to my mom (retired ortho nurse), we decided to have her arm checked at the ER.

After three hours in the waiting room...with Amanda in severe pain...we had her elbow x-rayed and we learned she broke her elbow at the radial head.  Thankfully, the break will not require surgery.  She will need to wear a splint and cast for about a month.   Christina did not fare too much better.  She has an old injury to her hip and it flared up.  Both girls are on pain meds and fast asleep now.  We will need to make follow up appointments during the week.

It is hard to believe that we have not had any broken bones over the 20 years of parenting.  I guess our odds were finally against us.  As Christina said, "We thought we were ballerinas on skates and that did not work so much for us!"

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Newest Addition

I have been meaning to write this post for a couple of weeks but the transition (along with another round of illness) has kept me from writing what I wanted to send out on my blog.

About three weeks ago, I was asked if we would be willing to take in one of Amanda's friends.  I will not go into a lot of details...not really necessary...but after considering the situation from all angles...we agreed to let her live with us. is the introduction to everyone about our newest addition:

Christina...when I think of thoughts go to the beginning scenes from The Sound of Music...The song "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Marie?" is being sung in the background of our home and Christina...just so full of life and curiosity that she does not even realize that she might be causing others stress and worry.  She is a good girl (young woman actually of 18) but sometimes her personality can get her into trouble that she never intends.

I will be quite honest...I have always been fond of Christina.  We have known her for six years and have enjoyed knowing her.  We even took her on a two-month family vacation a few years back when we drove across country and enjoyed the area around Washington DC.

Christina learned right away that if you want to get my attention in a crowded room...Mrs. Reynolds did not work but call out Momma and I turned around she has always called me Momma...she also tells the other children to do the same.  SO... Momma I am to many children (even those who are not my own!) DO you solve a problem like Christina?  My solution...give her rules and show her you love her.

and that is what we tried to do...gave her a home and set some boundaries that she could understand.  Her goal is to finish high school and go to college.  We will do our best to help this happen.  Oh...and she would love to get her driver's licence!  I guess we can work on this goal also.

God is good and I know he has a plan.  I hope that we can be a part of this plan for Christina.  I feel so blessed!

Monday, April 22, 2013

One of Those Days

We all can say that we have had "one of those days"...when everything seems to be going haywire and you wonder why you got out of bed!  Well...we had one of those days...yes in the whole family...but I write about it now that most of us are tucked into bed because I have to say...with God's help...we handled things pretty well.

Our plan was to go to a Green School event today in Houston.  We had this planned for several weeks. However, no matter how we tried to work was not meant to be....some how going to Mary Jane's funeral just pressed upon me...and I backed out on the event so we could attend.  I really felt at peace with this decision and so last night we went to bed with that in mind.  I am convinced things happen for a reason.

Here is what happened to us today:

It all started with an early morning case of vomiting one's guts (not me...our newest addition...Christina...I will tell more about that later this week) as she was preparing to leave for school.  We were in a rush and it put everything on stand by as we figured out how to have her excused for the day (I have NEVER had to deal with this...not ever having a child in public school!).

Add to that a decision to allow one of Amanda's friends stay the night last night.  It was a last minute decision and one I do not regret, but it brought about a little drama.  To not reveal to much of the details I will leave it at that...but definite chaos followed through most of the morning...and left me irritated at adults (not children) most of the day.

Then I made the decision to leave the majority of our crew at home (just taking Sean and Zaira with me) and I headed to the funeral for Mary Jane.  I really struggled with if I should go because I knew it was going to be crowded.  I am so glad I chose to attend...however, I never actually made it to the funeral...instead I chose to go to the kitchen (we always serve a meal for the family after a funeral) to see if any help was needed...I spent the next two hours trying to set a table with food.  At first there was only one other woman and then toward the end we had a kitchen full.  There was food galore which would have made Mary Jane proud!

I then headed home to find out Brendan had fallen asleep on the couch soon after I left.  He never 'acted' sick but he slept until well into the evening (yes he is still awake!).  Worst yet...he woke up soaking wet...worse was my couch!!!!  I must say...a few years back I bought the most amazing furniture...frame work is warrantied for life along with washable cushions (not warrantied but heavy duty and strong enough to uphold the many washings we have put them through!) it was not the worst thing to happen but it was an annoyance considering the already chaotic day.

Right before this happened...I was finishing up our school day (Yes...we did school today!  We want our summer vacation this year!)...when Henry says to me, "I think I am throwing up!"  So much fun!  Henry is so good...he cleaned up his own mess and proceeded to lay down on the couch and asked me to finish the lesson we were on in history!  I guess he liked hearing about World War II.

Soon after would have thought we were having World War III in our house as Sean got upset about his turn on the Kindle Fire and ended up outside to cool off.  This usually means locking the doors and keeping everyone else away from him!  Today proved to be that kind of day!
We looked at the clock and realized it was just after 6pm and we were trying to determine dinner and wondering why Amanda had not made it home.  WHEN...low and behold...she tell me that she had a blow out in her car and needed to be picked up!  I thought I could get out the door quick enough to make it to the tire shop and told her to try to find someone to stop and help her remove the tire while I headed that way.  Just as I arrived...a nice man pulled off the road to help us.  He was in a hurry but stopped anyway.  When I told him how thankful we were and how God is so good...he said...All the time...God is good all the time!

We did not get to the tire store in time to get the flat fixed (Actually, we probably will need to buy a new tire!)...but you know what...God is good...all the time!  I know that in spite of the days events...God has got my back!  I cannot help but think if we had gone to Houston as planned, then I would not have been here to help Christina.  I would not have been able to help Amanda's friend.  I would not have been able to help at the funeral serving food.  Henry would have been sick in the van ride.  I would have probably had a whiny Brendan in the van.  I would not have been able to help Amanda.

I also got an email from our nature coordinator who planned the event.  She made us two rain barrels for us.  We can pick them up in the next couple of days!  We were taken care of today...even in the chaos...God was looking out for us.  God truly is good...all the time!

The Loss of a Virtuous Woman

Today is the funeral for our dear friend Mary Jane Luna.  I cannot tell you how much this woman will be missed.  She is from our little church and I am telling you...she made this church move with the way she showed God's love to others and through her Spirit-filled desire to keep the church strong.

Many would probably have given up on our little church in the woods a long time ago.  Consolidate with the bigger church in not bother building a new building when the old one was broken down...How would we ever pay for a new building anyway?  But not Mary Jane...she had been reared up in this church and she could not bare to see it go!  She started the idea of Tamale Dinners in the spring and Turkey Dinners in the fall.  Some have even called our little church in the woods..."The Church Built with Tamales!"  This was hard work but Mary Jane kept things organized and it carried through to others when her sweet body could not do it anymore.

Our family was not there for the start to these dinners, but we arrived on the scene of this church community six years ago.  The first person we met was Aunt Mary Jane and Uncle Lonnie (They both insisted we call them by this endearment!) and how could we resist the love of these two wonderful people!  It was through their outpouring of welcome (along with Ms. Merlin and Mr. John) that we knew we had found our church home!

You might have heard the song..."Rose Colored Glasses" made famous by John Conlee in the 70s...well I think that was Mary Jane's way of seeing life and she had the glasses to prove it!  She tried so hard to stay positive even in hardship.  I do not think I ever heard her say a negative word about anyone!  She just stayed strong and told me that people needed to work through it (any difficulty...whether self inflicted or due to situation).

She brings to mind the woman in Proverbs 31...Mary Jane showed the qualities of a virtuous woman.  Here I share with you the reasons I looked to Mary Jane with true admiration:

Mary Jane had Faith - A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul.  Mary Jane loved the Lord more than anything in her life and she shared that love with others.  "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." (31:26)  She followed God’s will in her walk with God on this earth.

Mary Jane was married to Lonnie for over 64 years!  A Virtuous Woman respects her husband. Mary Jane was a wonderful helpmate to Lonnie all those years.  "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." (31:11-12)  Mary Jane definitely cared for Lonnie with great love!  She also supported him in his tasks at home and beyond.  Truly a great woman working beside a great man.  "Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land." (31:23)

Mary Jane was a wonderful and caring mother and grandmother. A Virtuous Woman teaches her children the faith by word and deed.  She nurtures her children with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom, and trains them in the way they should go. It was easy to see that Mary Jane's mothering by the way her children live their lives today…she showed them love and love for God and they share this love through the generations.  "When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet." (31:21)

Mary Jane cared for herself and was rarely sick until the last days of her life.   A Virtuous Woman cares for her body.  "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." (31:25) She lived through wars...hard times and good times...and gave her all in the ups and downs of life!

A Virtuous Woman prepares healthy food for her family.  "She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family..." (31:15)  If anyone doubted that Mary Jane could cook…well just stand back and wait to hear from many people…from her family to the community at large…Mary Jane prepared many a meal for others!  She had her family over for dinner almost every Sunday even after her children were grown and had children of their own!

Mary Jane was the model of service to others.  "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." (31:20) A Virtuous Woman serves her husband, her family, her friends, and her neighbors with a gentle and loving spirit. She is charitable.  Mary Jane gave of herself to a fault…she cared so much for everyone she met.

Mary Jane loved to share her talents for her family and her church. A Virtuous Woman works willingly with her hands.  "She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands." (31:13)  She sings praises to God and does not grumble while completing her tasks. I know that Mary Jane was often the first one to arrive and the last to leave when work had to be done.  "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." (31:17)  She was the most successful woman I know in everything she did because she had a way of getting others to help her without even thinking twice!  She did all of this within just a small radius of miles...She was born and died in the same town!

Mary Jane was the epitome of the endearing housewife.  A Virtuous Woman is a homemaker creating an inviting atmosphere of warmth and love for her family and guests..  "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." (31:27)  We could all learn a lesson or two about how to cheerfully take on the work of wife and mother from Mary Jane!

Mary Jane was beautiful both inside and out!  A Virtuous Woman is a woman of worth and beauty. She has the inner beauty that only comes from Christ. She uses her creativity and sense of style to create beauty in her life and the lives of her loved ones.  Mary Jane's beauty within came out in her like a shining light…a joy for all to see!  "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." (31:30)

Above all else...Mary Jane was the best prayer warrior!  I always knew that if I had a prayer request, she was the one to turn to be persistent in prayer.  She prayed for Michael's safety daily over the last few years while he has been deployed overseas.  She prayed for Amanda when she went to New York.  She prayed for all of us at Moral!  I think she knew to pray for us before we did!

A little story about this sweet of the last times she was at church before she became sick...The first Sunday of January 2012...Mary Jane came up to me after Mass and said.."So when is this baby coming?"  I looked at her in surprise...I had not told anyone I was pregnant...not even Michael!  I told her she must be mistaken and she got real embarrassed and apologized over and over!  It was then that I realized I had to tell everyone the news...before Mary Jane got me in trouble!  LOL!  The next week...I hoped to tell Mary Jane but she was not there!  I felt so bad and I wish I had not had to tell her that little lie!  Mary Jane only came to Mass a couple of times after that day.  I was so glad she made it to Mass with us after Zaira was born so she could meet my little surprise!  She got a good laugh about that incident...and it just shows how in tune she was with those around her.

I can only think of a few people I have loved so much outside of my own family!  She was family and she would not have had it any other way!  I miss her already...but she will not be forgotten!  I am so thankful for God blessing her in our lives!  May God bless her in Heaven!  May her soul rest in peace!

"Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
'Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.'
...Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." (31:28-31)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Earth Day 2013

We had a beautiful day for Earth Day as we helped with two booths at the university Family Fun Day!  We always love to help with this event because the children can roam around the contained area after working the booths for a little bit.  I can easily see them as they visit from one booth to the next.

Today the university had several booths set up along with a plant sale.  Some of the booths were:

Ag Extension booth on Water Shed,
Birding (It was good to see our friends from the Audubon Society!),
An amazing gardening tower,
Solar cooking,
Information about a nature summer camp (with fun bowling game with t-shirts!),
Frozen yogurt making,
Face painting, Recycled art (rocket ships...Edward and Brendan won prizes for best art!),
Flower Pressing,
Beautiful Clean,
Recyclable glass,
and so much more!

Including, of course, our booths with the observation hive from our Beekeeper Association (along with David G) and the Friends of the National Forests and Grasslands (along with David C), as well as a booth about invasive landscaping (with John).

Yes...we were running between booths enjoying our discussions about our favorite nature activities with the large crowd that came!

Sean was especially helpful with handling the snakes because our two regular snake handlers (Amanda and Henry) were not able to help.  Amanda was at work (more on that later!) and Henry was sick with a cold and eye infection (He slept throughout the morning in the van!)

Sean also enjoyed showing off his love for bees by having his face painted with a honey bee!  Zaira was a trooper through it all as she enjoyed being in the middle of the fun until she finally gave out and took a nap!

As was had by all and we had to tear the boys away from the booths so we could leave.

Unfortunately, not soon enough to get to Amanda's work.  She was helping with her first fashion show for her new job!  It is hard to believe she has been working there for almost two months!!!   Today there was a big fashion show and she had to make sure all of the models were in their dresses throughout the show.  She had the help of Christina and they both said it was a lot of fun!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Three Tragedies

They say that tragedies come in threes...and in 'our' world this week we can vouch for that!

On Monday, we were in shock that an act of terrorism could occur within our nation.  The bombings at the Boston Marathon were a surprise and so hard to understand.  Those people were doing no one any harm...just watching a race...a sign of versus self...the greatest test!

I have always found the challenge of a marathon intriguing.  Believe it or not...I even considered running a marathon in my day!  A lot would need to change for me to do something like that today...but you never know.  So, I always have an interest in the results at the end of a big race like the one in Boston.  Maybe it is a way to live that moment of crossing the finish line...the dream of finishing the big race!

The tragedy of losing three innocent bystanders and the injury of almost 200 people is outrageous!  We still do not know who the man was who performed this atrocious act.  However, I cannot imagine such anger and evil that would do these things!  I pray for the freedom of evil in this world knowing that only the might power of God can answer this prayer and knowing that the free will of humanity will not allow it to be!

Then last night we learn of the terrible explosion in West, Texas.  Once again many are injured and there are those who have died!  The only connection I can see is the human connection for those who mourn the loss of their loved ones.  To think that the ground shook for miles around and many thought it was an earthquake that hit central Texas.  It is hard to believe that a small town would need to go through such a difficult moment.  Living in a small town most of my life...I know the idea of every one knowing everyone and there is not a member of the community that is not affected by this tragedy! today...I returned home to find out that the tragedy hits a little closer to home.  We have lost an amazing woman who I have grown to love as if she were my own grandmother!...Miss Mary Jane...I can not imagine our little church family without you!  She was a true lady...a wonderfully dedicated wife, mother and grandmother.  She dedicated her life to caring for others at home and at our little church!  My biggest regret will always be that I did not have the opportunity to go by and see her at the hospital.  I am sure I will write a longer post about her in the days to come.

I look back at these three tragic events of the at a national level...another at the state level...and finally at the local level...all of these events were personal in a different way but all makes me feel numb inside.  And yet the only real answer comes from the same source...God!

We must continue to rely on God in all circumstances.  God is in control.  He will lead us to the finish line...He will lead us home...He will be there during life's tragedies!  Praise be to God!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Three Priests and a Bishop

We had a wonderful message from Fr. Joseph this morning at Mass.  The Gospel message was from John 21:1-19 about the meeting of Jesus with Peter and the other Apostles after fishing.  The Apostles caught 153 fishes after the guidance from many that the nets were close to breaking!  Then the Apostles ate a meal with Jesus.  Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him THREE times!

Father told us that there were several details that had an important message deeper than at the surface level.

The number of fish (153) represents the number of nations known at the time of Jesus.  This was also the third recorded time Jesus appears to the Apostles.  At this meal, Jesus asks Peter three times if He is loved by Peter...this is thought to counter the three times Peter denied Jesus upon His arrest.

Father spoke of an interesting point about this thrice spoken affirmation...the first two times Peter is asked, Jesus uses the word love...agape...which is a higher level of love set aside for adoration.  Peter responses with the word love...philia...which is a term set aside for friendship.  When Jesus asks the third time He uses the term set aside for friendship.  This seems to reflect that Jesus accepts Peter at the level he can give.  The questions also seem to lead to Jesus passing on the role of the Good Shepherd to Peter in the response to this affirmation of faith.

The boys and I were happy to hear this message of faith.  We had gone to Mass as usual because it was their turn to altar serve.  However, today is the day the Bishop was set to baptize and confirm the students at St. Mary's.  So, we went home for a short period of rest and then headed back into town so the boys could serve again.  This time the boys were surrounded by other altar servers as well.

We arrived early to go over the roles each server would have for the Mass (We had done this earlier but just to review.)  The various duties were spread out among them all.  Sean had the job of carrying in the processional cross.  Henry and Edward would carry in the candles.

We recently had a change in priests so Father Roland wanted to be assured that everything was ready.  He was concerned about making everything right for the Bishop and those receiving the sacraments.  Maybe he seemed a little rough but he had in his mind how it should all work.  Things were changed...some parts taken out and others left.  Even furniture was rearranged.  Good thing we arrived early to review the details!

Then the Master of Ceremonies arrived and wanted to know all the details again!  He just wanted to make sure everything was right for the Bishop and those receiving the sacraments!  Sweet Gillian was getting a little stressed by this point...after all, she just wanted to make sure everything was right for the Bishop and those receiving the sacraments.   Watching from a distance...I just said a little prayer that all of those involved would be calm and enjoy the moment.  Everything would be wonderful and those who needed to remember this night would only remember that they were receiving Jesus into their lives!

Mass began and the same readings that we had in the morning were heard again by our family.  I always love to hear what the Bishop will say to tie in the message to the sacraments.  I have never been disappointed and tonight was no different.  He spoke about the renewal and rebirth of those who have faith in Jesus.  Looking back at the Gospel reading...he told us that when he thought about counting those must have been slimy and messy but it was important...that if they went to so much trouble that day must have counted for something important to remember!  Just as today (and everyday) we must take the time to make it count as we walk in faith.

Just as the Apostles were going about their business (fishing), those of us who have received Jesus in baptism, will go about our business but we will be changed.  We cannot go back to our old lives...we are renewed...given rebirth in Christ...and we will need to live our lives filled with faith.

And it was at this time that the Bishop called the two forward to receive the gift of Baptism.  It was a beautiful moment to see them enter into the Baptismal promises, which revealed glowing smiles on their faces!  Then the group to be confirmed stood and the laying of the hands took place by the Bishop, Father Paul and Father Roland.  I always love that moment as the room seems to be transformed by the Spirit.  The joy of the moment cannot help but take me back to my own confirmation...a very powerful moment.  Later I spoke to several of the confirmands and they all said the same thing...I am so happy!  That is the Spirit!  I am so glad we could be there for that moment.  Just as the Bishop said...this day counted...May they never forget that moment!

Everything was wonderful and there was such a rich feeling of the Spirit that filled the little campus chapel.  We now have two new sisters in Christ through Baptism and many confirmed in the faith.  We then were able to enjoy a wonderful meal...potluck style...with the  Bishop.  Everything was just as it was supposed to be.

Changing priests can be stressful at times. is challenging for the best of people. Father Roland and Father Paul have completely different personalities...they grew up in different cultural settings.  I cannot help but compare these two priests to our own priest (Father Joseph), as well as the Bishop.  Three priests and a from Ireland, one from northern United States, one from India and one from East Texas.  They each bring something different to their role of leadership, and yet in the end, they all bring us the same wonderful gift of the sacraments.

What people do not remember is that when Father Paul arrived, there was a transition period also.  We had to learn Father Paul's ways and we learned to love his quirks.  We will feel the same about Father Roland soon, and we will forget about this time of change.  God has given us a special gift to have priests who are dedicated to teaching us the faith.  Praise God for what we learned from Father Paul and what we will learn from Father Roland.  God is good....all the time!  All the time...God is good!

SIDE NOTE:  The Knights of Columbus were at Mass tonight in their full regalia.  Zaira had fallen asleep just before Mass began and woke up just at the time of the Baptism.  One of the Knights was standing right beside us with saber in hand.  I am not sure what she thought about this but she would not let him out of her sight the rest of the evening!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bees and Butterflies!!

The boys and I presented information about honey bees today at the local university.  We had so much fun sharing what we know with about 200 children (K-1).  There were actually about 600 children and about 100 adults in the large coliseum throughout the day.  We had schools from across the region!

These groups were sent to four stations by rotating shifts in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Our station covered bees and butterflies.

We gave our usual presentation that emphasizes the importance bees for pollination, the types of bees found in a hive, and the life cycle of a bee.  We always end with the chance for the group to look for the queen bee in our observation hive.  Not only do they observe the queen in action, but also view the workings of a bee hive.  Today it was rainy so the bees were a little difficult.  The queen remained hidden...surrounded by the worker bees.  However, a few of the groups were persistent in their hunt for the queen and found her!  Great job!

There was also a station about the life cycle of a tree (set up like a time machine...very cool!).  Another station was set up like a game to learn about the parts of a tree (heart wood and cambium, bark, roots...lateral and tap, branches and crown).  The children had to pretend to be a tree that was being attacked by the dreaded beetles.  I thought it was so cute because teh bark (children surrounding the heartwood) had to bark at the beetle to scare it away!  They also dressed up one of the adults to show the different parts of the tree.  The last station was about the needs of a tree...the children made bracelets to show the various needs (yellow-sunlight, brown-soil, green-nutrients, blue-water, clear-air).

We thought we would only be set up for the morning but ended up staying all day!  The younger boys and Zaira enjoyed the stations.  They also wore themselves out running up and down ...and around the coliseum!

We will not be able to go back tomorrow but maybe on Friday.  It is so great to share our love of bees with others!

While we were inside...the weather turned cold!  Henry had to get a picture of the pond that had a nice fog due to the drastic change in temperature!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jalapeno Tree!

The boys treated us girls to a dinner after a wonderful Sunday Mass!

I love Divine Mercy Sunday!  It is such a fitting way to end the octave (eight days) of Easter!  And also some of my favorite readings falls on this Sunday.

The first reading from Acts 5:12-16...the story of Peter healing the lame by the touch of his shadow...truly a gift from God to witness to those in view!

Also, a reading from the Gospel of John 20:19-31...the story of doubting Thomas.  It gives me hope to know that those who do not see yet believe are blessed with special graces.  That's us!!!!  WOO-HOO...I need all the graces and blessings I can get!

Then we met at The Jalapeno Tree for a nice meal and lots of fun conversations.  We were seated in the party room, which was awesome because...we felt like we were having a great time just as if we were at a party!

The boys thought the sign on the wall was funny..."Free enchiladas tomorrow!"

We also had so much food leftover AFTER having our fill...we will have good leftovers tomorrow!  So I guess the sign was right!  LOL!

The boys had been given a gift card at Christmas by our dear church friends Larry and Doris.  I am not sure how we held on to it for so long...but I think we have found our new favorite restaurant!

It looks like we might have a new house guest in the near future...more on that later!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Intro to Birding Revisited

I think we struggle with bird watching because it is so hard for our boys to sit still for long periods of time.  So, whenever we hear about a birding event that introduces the experience to others...we cannot help but get to the event!

Today was no different!  We headed out to Caddo Mounds to learn about birds...we learned so much about birds but also enjoyed other topics along the way!

Dr. Brent (the boys dubbed him Dr. Bird!) was an enthusiastic teacher who carried his love of birdin on to us.  Sean could hardly leave his side most of the day and even then it was to tell me about something Dr. Brent told him!

The day started out with the basics of ID techniques.

Field Markings such as:
  • Head
  • Wingbars
  • Color of Legs
  • Wing/Tail Shape
  • Eye Color
  • Bill Shape
  • Habitat
  • Silhouettes
  • Flight Patterns
  • Wing Positions
  • Body Size

Brent also told us that the most important items to help with ID were a good pair of binoculars and a good field guide.  I hope to get these items in the near future for our avid bird watcher!

We took a little break to prepare for the real fun of the morning...our nature bird walk!

I was amazed at how Brent was able to hear birds and know the type of bird...especially when I had not even heard a sound!  He also showed us how phish for birds.

Here is the list of the birds we discovered throughout the day (An asterisk signifies that we only heard the bird but did not site it.):
  • Yellow-throated Vireo
  • Mockingbird
  • Scissor-tail Flycatcher
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Broadwing Hawk
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • White-eyed Vireo
  • Black Vulture
  • Northern Perulla 
  • Ruby Crowned Kinglet
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Tufted Titmouse *
  • Red-bellied Woodpecker *
  • Carolina Wren *
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Red-headed Woodpecker *
  • Lark Sparrow

American Crow
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
Cara Cara (rare bird for our area...coming up into North Texas)

There might have been more birds mentioned but Brendan, Zaira and I took a more leisurely approach to our nature walk.  We tried to keep up but nature can be very distracting at times!

Along the way we also had Ms. Ruth and her daughter (adult), Pam, with us.  Pam was very kind and shared her knowledge of edible plants.  I enjoyed hearing about these plants...the birds...AND the museum director who was telling about the history of the park!  It made my head want to explode from all the information!

We are so thankful for Ms. Ruth for sharing this event with our group and for the fact that all the other plans for the day were canceled so we could attend!  We had an amazing time with all the other birders and with the museum director of the Mounds!

Henry also took a lot of nature pictures that were not related to birds.  I especially liked the butterfly pictures but he also took flower pictures.  I have posted some of these on my Facebook page.

Touring of the Caddo Mounds was an additional adventure of the day.  We were only able to stay for a short time with the promise to return in the near future.  Mr. Anthony did a great job of keeping the information about the history interesting and simple.  We walked along the path to the mounds as Anthony shared information.  Learning about the way of life for the Caddo made me appreciate the modern day conveniences bu

t also appreciate their life style.

We look forward to making the full tour soon!

Two Men and a Lady

I have not had a lot of time to reflect on the week as I like.  That is why I am thankful for this gives me a way to think about the day and how grateful I am for the gifts and even the trials that come my way along with my family.  I do not mind sharing because I like to think that it is my way of showing how AMAZING God is in my life and how He can be in your life also. 

I have had to spend a lot of time at funerals the past few weeks. As I posted...we have lost quite a few of our fellow parishioners recently.  I thought it was interesting that as I hugged the recent widow of one of those lost, she said: "I knew it was coming but it was still so unexpected!"  Funny how those words can apply to any of us.  We all know that death will come to us...yet it always comes so unexpected!  Will we be ready for that day?  We need to be...yet we do not know when it will come.  How can we prepare for that fateful day when we meet Jesus in judgment?  

Faith...Hope...and Charity.  I once was told (after hearing the reading from 1 Corinthians 13)...the reason Charity is the greatest gift is because it remains into eternity.  Faith is the gift that we receive to remind us that we need to believe in God even when we can not sense Him.  Hope is the gift given to us to help us remember that we must trust in God's promise for eternity in paradise.  These two gifts will not be needed once we have arrived in Heaven...we will know without doubt as we stand before God that He is present and He has kept His promise.  Only love will remain will remain...a gift freely given by God to us and we return that love!  

Now in the last few days we have had to say good-bye to some dear people in our I entitled this post two men and a lady because I wanted them to honor them with a special post.  

On Monday, we had to send Michael back to the airport for his trip back to work overseas (hoping it is his last trip!).  It was so hard to let him go again...the boys were in a panic... we even decided to take off an extra week from school because I knew we would get little done with book work this week.  

Maybe Michael does not know how much he is loved...after all ... all he hears is the frustration of a crazy woman over the phone!  So, I just want him to know that we get crazy and frustrated because we love him so much...we do not want to see him go!  He makes life fun and funny and we want him to be close to home all the time.  So Michael...God bless your time away and may He bring you home quickly and safely!  Your family needs you and cannot imagine life without you!

Now...we also found out that the most amazing...Godly...couple who came into our lives two years ago...Fr. Paul and Mrs. Key...were going to be moved back to their home base just north of us about two hours.  We were heartbroken but I saw it coming many weeks ago and had warned the children that we might see some changes.  I can tell you that I wish my hunch was wrong but they are such a blessing to the campus ministry that I am not surprised that they are needed to start a new group.  

Father Paul has given some profound and thought provoking homilies over the weeks he has been at the chapel.  I have learned so much and I love how he can bring the Gospel message to the college students with ease...then save a little extra tidbit for the young well as lifting it up for the more experienced adults.  His message is always clear and shows that the real message is Jesus Christ.  He is humble and kind to all and gives us all the time needed to guide us.  

Mrs. Key is a true lady and such a joy to be with at the chapel.  She is a Godsend to all those who enter into the chapel.  She is always trying to find ways to include everyone at the chapel activities.  She is a prayer warrior that can be counted on to offer up her time lifting up our worries and cares to the Lord!  I cannot imagine a sweeter lady with such humility and goodness.  

The joy of these three...oh how we will miss!....however, it is such a blessing to know that we can be with them.  Michael will return home...Fr Paul and Mrs Key are not that far away.   God is good!  He will help us find a way to adjust.  May God bless them in their journeys so we can continue to be them!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Loss of Another Good Man

We spent the majority of the day (yesterday) with the family of James Joseph Shannon.  His funeral was yesterday and we wanted to be there to let the family know that we supported them in their sorrow.

We met the Shannons two years ago when they began attending church with us at our little country church in the woods.  We fell in love with James and Shirley Shannon because they were just the loveliest couple that shared their love of each other with everyone they met.  They also had a love for their Irish heritage which we enjoyed sharing with them.

This couple had been married for 60 years and had eight children (5 boys and 3 girls) as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Their children would often come to visit them and attend church with them, so we got to know a lot of the family.  And the Shannons were so kind that they became psuedo-grandparents to our children.

However, all of this was only on Sundays and I regret to say we did not take the time to grow deeper in our knowledge of James before his passing last Thursday (Holy Thursday).  If we had, we might have had opportunity to hear him tell stories of his many years of adventure in the Navy, with NASA, and just funny stories of raising a big family!

That is what we heard yesterday for the first time! I regret not getting to know him more!

I thought the obituary for this faithful man showed how important his belief in God was his greatest legacy to his family.  They spoke of how much God blessed James throughout his life.

God blessed James at birth with a loving family...a dad and mom, along with three sisters.

God blessed James with the love of his life...Shirley!

God blessed James with a large family of his own.

God blessed James with a wonderful an engineer with the Navy and NASA (In 1961, James joined Manned Space Program (which became NASA) and began an adventure to put a man on the moon. It was such an exciting and challenging job that he often said he would have done it for free.)

God blessed James with grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

God blessed James with many opportunities for family gatherings.

God blessed James with wonderful friends.

God blessed James with the knowledge of right and wrong and the fortitude to live by his convictions.

God blessed James with wonderful caregivers.

God blessed James with a strong faith.

And God blessed ALL of US by letting us keep him for so long!  This was addressed to his family but I think it can be extended to his church family as well.  He will be missed and we will not forget his amazing smile and caring personality!  He will be an inspiration for us for many years to come!

The priest who presided over his funeral spoke of the meaning of his name...James Joseph...builder and increaser...James Joseph Shannon definitely lived up to his name...he built more than material goods and increased more than monetary means while he lived on this earth.  He built a legacy of increased love and joy where ever he went.  May God's perpetual light shine upon him!

We also enjoyed our time with the family after the funeral.  I loved sitting with little Maggie who shared a song she wrote for her Grampa at the funeral.  She was so sweet and we left her with a message that her Grampa would not be forgotten in our little part of the world!