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Sunday, April 28, 2013

What a Week!

Well...after Monday...things did settle down for the most part.  Just a little update of our week so Michael can get caught up with the family.  Most people will find the week somewhat subdued compared to our normal crazy adventures...except for the big finally tonight!

We had our regular school week as well as our weekly 4H events (Robotics...WHEP was canceled).  Then we served spaghetti to the college group on Wednesday.

Thursday I was supposed to go on a retreat for my Spiritual Direction training.  I was a little concerned leaving the children because they were all sick with colds.  However, Wednesday morning I was informed the that the retreat was canceled due to flooding.  This was disappointing but it did help free up some time to get caught up around the house.

I also started the work on our bathroom remodel.  I am actually having someone come out to do this job...but I was told to save money, I could remove the wallpaper. much as I hate doing it...with the help of hot water and is slowly coming down!

Friday brought a little excitement to our week.  We were supposed to meet our friend to pick up our rain barrels (It was so nice for her to make these for us!).  When we arrived, we found out there was a need for a Woodsy appearance.  SO...Sean was once again in the role of this conservation icon!  He had a great time teaching the students about the trouble with pollution.

Saturday Sean had his try at an entomology contest (see post).  Then we missed a birthday party...much to the disappointment of Edward at the local skating rink.  Only to be invited to a second birthday party on Sunday.  I asked the girls if they would like to join us and they were excited to have this opportunity to skate (it had been several years since they had gone skating!)

Sunday morning started out crazy...I found the freezer thawed out (third time this year) and we had to cook about $500 worth of meat and other food to keep it from spoiling...yep...I just gone to the store!  In fact, I gave some food to our local homeless shelter so it would be of some good.  I was NOT happy with the boys (not sure which one was the culprit) and I told Christina that once again they should be thankful for the Sunday Mass saving them from any danger of strangling (all bark and no bite I assure you!).  I thought it was funny that today we celebrated Child Abuse Prevention with the importance of children emphasized in the sermon!  God spoke right to my heart and I determined that in spite of the chaos...even food lost was no reason to get so upset!

So...after a long couple of hours of cooking meat to refreeze...and a trip out to our apiary to add supers to the tops for our extra honey stores (more on that later...thankfully we only had three stings and only minor reactions!)...we raced out the door with birthday gift in hand.

We were having a great time roller skating (actually I do not skate and was the self deemed photographer) when it all happened.  Henry comes racing over to me yelling that Amanda hit her head hard!  I was just about to take a cute picture of Brendan holding Zaira, so I turned and headed straight to Amanda...not even thinking about leaving Zaira in Brendan's arms (he did a great job by the way!)  I got to Amanda and her face was already swelling on the right side...I was hollering for people to move out of the way and asking for ice....I think people thought I was crazy.   We got Amanda checked out and determined that the best thing to do was get her home to rest.  Christina drove her home and I was right behind them with the boys.

The strange thing about it was much as her head hurt...Amanda's elbow hurt her more.  I tried giving her pain reliever but it did not help.  So after a call to my mom (retired ortho nurse), we decided to have her arm checked at the ER.

After three hours in the waiting room...with Amanda in severe pain...we had her elbow x-rayed and we learned she broke her elbow at the radial head.  Thankfully, the break will not require surgery.  She will need to wear a splint and cast for about a month.   Christina did not fare too much better.  She has an old injury to her hip and it flared up.  Both girls are on pain meds and fast asleep now.  We will need to make follow up appointments during the week.

It is hard to believe that we have not had any broken bones over the 20 years of parenting.  I guess our odds were finally against us.  As Christina said, "We thought we were ballerinas on skates and that did not work so much for us!"

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