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Monday, April 22, 2013

One of Those Days

We all can say that we have had "one of those days"...when everything seems to be going haywire and you wonder why you got out of bed!  Well...we had one of those days...yes in the whole family...but I write about it now that most of us are tucked into bed because I have to say...with God's help...we handled things pretty well.

Our plan was to go to a Green School event today in Houston.  We had this planned for several weeks. However, no matter how we tried to work was not meant to be....some how going to Mary Jane's funeral just pressed upon me...and I backed out on the event so we could attend.  I really felt at peace with this decision and so last night we went to bed with that in mind.  I am convinced things happen for a reason.

Here is what happened to us today:

It all started with an early morning case of vomiting one's guts (not me...our newest addition...Christina...I will tell more about that later this week) as she was preparing to leave for school.  We were in a rush and it put everything on stand by as we figured out how to have her excused for the day (I have NEVER had to deal with this...not ever having a child in public school!).

Add to that a decision to allow one of Amanda's friends stay the night last night.  It was a last minute decision and one I do not regret, but it brought about a little drama.  To not reveal to much of the details I will leave it at that...but definite chaos followed through most of the morning...and left me irritated at adults (not children) most of the day.

Then I made the decision to leave the majority of our crew at home (just taking Sean and Zaira with me) and I headed to the funeral for Mary Jane.  I really struggled with if I should go because I knew it was going to be crowded.  I am so glad I chose to attend...however, I never actually made it to the funeral...instead I chose to go to the kitchen (we always serve a meal for the family after a funeral) to see if any help was needed...I spent the next two hours trying to set a table with food.  At first there was only one other woman and then toward the end we had a kitchen full.  There was food galore which would have made Mary Jane proud!

I then headed home to find out Brendan had fallen asleep on the couch soon after I left.  He never 'acted' sick but he slept until well into the evening (yes he is still awake!).  Worst yet...he woke up soaking wet...worse was my couch!!!!  I must say...a few years back I bought the most amazing furniture...frame work is warrantied for life along with washable cushions (not warrantied but heavy duty and strong enough to uphold the many washings we have put them through!) it was not the worst thing to happen but it was an annoyance considering the already chaotic day.

Right before this happened...I was finishing up our school day (Yes...we did school today!  We want our summer vacation this year!)...when Henry says to me, "I think I am throwing up!"  So much fun!  Henry is so good...he cleaned up his own mess and proceeded to lay down on the couch and asked me to finish the lesson we were on in history!  I guess he liked hearing about World War II.

Soon after would have thought we were having World War III in our house as Sean got upset about his turn on the Kindle Fire and ended up outside to cool off.  This usually means locking the doors and keeping everyone else away from him!  Today proved to be that kind of day!
We looked at the clock and realized it was just after 6pm and we were trying to determine dinner and wondering why Amanda had not made it home.  WHEN...low and behold...she tell me that she had a blow out in her car and needed to be picked up!  I thought I could get out the door quick enough to make it to the tire shop and told her to try to find someone to stop and help her remove the tire while I headed that way.  Just as I arrived...a nice man pulled off the road to help us.  He was in a hurry but stopped anyway.  When I told him how thankful we were and how God is so good...he said...All the time...God is good all the time!

We did not get to the tire store in time to get the flat fixed (Actually, we probably will need to buy a new tire!)...but you know what...God is good...all the time!  I know that in spite of the days events...God has got my back!  I cannot help but think if we had gone to Houston as planned, then I would not have been here to help Christina.  I would not have been able to help Amanda's friend.  I would not have been able to help at the funeral serving food.  Henry would have been sick in the van ride.  I would have probably had a whiny Brendan in the van.  I would not have been able to help Amanda.

I also got an email from our nature coordinator who planned the event.  She made us two rain barrels for us.  We can pick them up in the next couple of days!  We were taken care of today...even in the chaos...God was looking out for us.  God truly is good...all the time!

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