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Friday, December 23, 2016

Family Ties

I have started this post several times but I never seem to finish it.  Many opportunities to show how much I love my family these months since returning to Texas.  I am so thankful we were close by as my mom and brothers needed a helping hand.

I would be remiss in my blogging journeys if I did not talk about this past summer.  I think that with all the every day activities...the bustle of our lives in the routine...sometimes we must be shaken to remind us that we are not in control.

As I mentioned in a previous post, we never know what curve ball will be thrown our way.  Just when we think we know it all and have life "figured out," something happens that throws us off course.  However, if our life is already on course with God, we should be able to stay on the road and keep moving forward.  Unfortunately, this is not always the way life goes.  Sometimes, we are already off course...other times we are thrown off course instead of gripping the wheel and letting God lead us.

When we returned from California, we were already slightly eschew...trying to figure out how to adjust and make it all work.  We were trusting in God to help us...but we were still in that tail spin!

Then we had another curve ball thrown our way...I had just been to a funeral for my sister-in-law's father.  As we were leaving, we received a phone call that my brother, Nathan, was being taken from one ER to another hospital in Houston.  He was being put into a drug-induced coma.  We did not know if he was even going to make it through the night!

My mom and I decided to make the drive to Houston...not knowing what we would encounter.  Looking back now these many weeks later...we were scared but we also knew to pray.

Thankfully, he had the doctors he needed to stabilize him and after several days he was well enough to have open-heart surgery.  Funny to say it that way but we were so grateful that he would have that surgery.  There were definitely moments when we thought he would not make it to that point!

Day he was released
We took his son home with us for a few days and tried to help him understand that God was in control.  We even had a chance to go to a special prayer garden where he could pray for his dad.  I hope they all realize the importance of God's hand in their lives!

When he was finally released from the hospital, he recovered at our mom's house.  I would take him to his doctor appointments.  Now nearly six months later, he is going to be starting a new job and he is feeling better than he had in a long time.  I am so thankful for God's answer to our prayers...and proud of Nathan for his hard work in adjusting to a new healthier lifestyle.  I am also thankful for our mom who has worked so hard to make it all possible.

Just when this situation was resolving, we were hit with another whammy!  My older brother, Damian, also called to tell us he was going to have by-pass surgery.  He had gone into a routine doctor's visit due to insurance changes, and they told him he would need to have the surgery.  When he asked when he should have it done, they told him they were admitting him to the hospital immediately!

Once again our mom and I huddled together to work out a plan of action.  Unfortunately, I was not feeling well, but it all worked out for her to go down to the hospital.  Prayers answered...I waited for surgery and recovery time in hospital without being able to help.  However, I was there for his release...and later doctor appointment.  I was once again thankful that I could help...grateful for my brother's health and for our mom who worked so hard during the recovery in her home.

Through it all...I can only say that God was with it through it all.  My brothers continue to stay with our mom as they adjust.  This would never have been possible if we had not moved back to Texas.  SO...I am also thankful for the foresight to return.  God is good...he knows our needs before we do...I continue to be in awe of His plans.  I think he truly wants us to be bound together as is through these family ties that we are able to help each otehr when we are down.

God is good all the time...and all the time God is good!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Full Day with St. Nicholas

We love celebrating our holiday season a little different then most.  We actually take the time during the days leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts for the coming of our Savior!  No decorating our tree or gift shopping...instead we think about how we need to change to be ready to stand before the manger scene on Christmas the best of ourselves to the baby hopes that one day we will stand before Jesus...the just judge...and enter into heaven...our ultimate goal!

SO...when we try to better ourselves, we look to the ones who have gone before us...the saints...the Church Triumphant...for ways to live our lives for that goal!

Today, it is the feast day of St. Nicholas of Myra....many know him as Santa Claus.  The real man was not a jolly fat man flying through the night with his reindeer.  You can read more about him in my companion

Our family tradition is to place our stockings or shoes out on this day...just as many families do on Christmas Eve.  However, we try to focus on things that are needed along with a little sweets and treats!  We also receive St. Nicholas notes that give us ideas of how we can improve as we patiently wait for Jesus.

This morning that meant waking up around 6am...this allowed everyone to listen around the table as we each opening our stocking...before dad and one of the boys left for their day.  It is always a joy to listen to these notes and enjoy a fruity breakfast.  Along with a few necessary items, I was able to help St. Nicholas slip in a small toy for each of us!

Our morning continued with trips to dentist!  The boys even had a couple of teeth wiggle out during their cleaning!  Then a round about as we headed to the down town area for a laser show for the older boys.  While we were waiting the younger ones and I enjoyed our hobby of geocaching...taking us to historical cemeteries and fire stations!  The little ones were even given a special gift of sitting in a brand new fire truck!

Back home we gathered...took a nice walk to place some new caches...then a fun Greek-style pizza dinner (one of our favorite meals and with St. Nicholas being a Greek saint it works for us.)!

Through it all we tried to be the light of Christ for all those we met.  We prayed for those around us...the policemen...the firemen...those who have lived their lives and who are now at the mercy of God...those buried in the many cemeteries we visited today!  It was a full day but enjoyed by all!