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Friday, March 27, 2020

My View from the Sun Room Begins

March 27, 2020

In the last week of December of 2019, I found myself in a spiritual state that I did not think possible. I had just gone to the funeral of a young man who was so amazing and in the prime of his life. Now gone and so many in a state of turmoil. I knew that God had a plan so it was not that I doubted his plan. I just felt that there were things in my own life that I was not allowing to be let go. 

So I decided to give 2020 over to a more prayerful life. I was going to pray more specifically with a novena format. This was my new year resolution and I started off right with a Novena of Surrender to God’s Will. I truly thought this was to release myself from taking control of the lives of others. What I did not know is that God had other plans for me. Funny how that works!  Haha

Within a week of completing this novena, I found that God was calling me to resign my position as DRE. I loved this job but it was taking me away from my family 40-60 hours a week and some times more. I gave my two week notice but was asked to remain until the end of May. I told the priest that God was calling me to  resign immediately and I just knew that it was the right choice. I knew this even though the next two weeks were spent in tears and stress that I was letting others down making this choice. And yet I still was at peace because God was telling me to do this. I is so hard to explain. 

Once my two weeks were complete and resignation was officially announced, I spent the first two months (February and March 2020) getting my home life back on track.  This was looking great so I decided it was time to tackle my health.  In the last two years, I had gained a lot of weight (50 lbs) and the children were not doing as well as I liked either.  SO...this was the day to start a new routine.  We were would turn on the music and dance.  A fun way to get the blood pumping.  It felt good!  But the next day, I told my mom that I had over done it.  My back was killing me and I should have taken it slower.

After a couple of days of back pain, I felt well enough to move on but I had a bit of a “stomach bug” by the end of the week. I did not think much of it because the two littles had a stomach bug and I must have it also. Life continues on with not much concern.