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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Our Blogger Family

Well...I have not posted a lot lately, but it is not for lack of interesting things to write.  I just needed the time to get the children caught up in school and get settled in our new home.

One of the things we did was set up a blog for each of the boys.  It was kind of funny how this came about...Henry and I were talking about my blog and he said he would love to have a blog of his own.  Next thing I knew all the boys wanted one!  So I decided it would be a good way for them to practice all their grammar skills.  It would also let them share their own special talents.

Sean decided right away that he would have a blog about insects.  He loves sharing what he finds in the world around him.  If you have time, check out his blog and share with your children.  Maybe they will find that they love insects also!

Henry (who started it all) was excited to share his love for photography.  His blog is not just your typical photo sharing site.  He loves to challenge himself to a photo session and following through with how he met the challenge.  He also challenges his viewers to share what they viewed through their lens as well.

Edward loves LEGOs, so it did not take long for him to decide to take pictures of his creations and tell a creative story to go along with the figure.  He is just getting started, but I think it is a good way to use his imagination!

Brendan could not be out done.  He had to have blog also.  It took some thinking but then it was an A-ha! moment when we realized he should have a blog sharing his genius.  Actually, what we are doing is letting him check out books about other geniuses and then telling what he learned.  It is a lot of fun to hear his idea of what he hears in the books we read.  SO, check out his Big Boy Genius site.

SO...if you have enjoyed my blog, maybe you will enjoy the boys as they write their own stories.  I know I have enjoyed them...but of course, I am a little biased.

I am sure the holidays will bring new adventures that I will write about but it has been a nice break.  God bless you all!  Enjoy your family and friends and remember that Jesus came down to this earth to save us!  Praise be to God!

Our Friend the Bishop

This last week another one of our dear friends has been named bishop of a Texas diocese....Monsignor Michael Sis!  It is so exciting to know that this man...our priest from many years ago...who was instrumental in our now becoming a bishop!   We were so blessed to have him in our lives during the early times of our marriage.

He gave us good advice about the way our lives were being lived.  Many know that Michael and I were given the blessing of a child before our marriage.  Fr. Mike was there to help us in our decision making.

Then he married us (20 years ago!) and baptized our first child, Amanda.  I will never forget how he announced to those in attendance at the end of the ceremony..."I present to you the Reynolds family!"  It just brought us that extra special blessing to unify us.

Then helped us as we begin our young married couples group.  It was not our idea but we were one of the first couples to attend the meetings.  We had 5 couples at that time and we were all in need of serious guidance.  Fr. Mike was there when we needed him.

There were many times during the first ten years of our marriage that required spiritual assistance.  Fr. Mike was always there to help us.  In the end, I know that through the grace of our Lord, we were sent this godly man to assist us.  I am not even sure Michael and I would be married without his good counsel.

Just when Michael and I had given up...we were led to seek his advice one last time.  It had been a couple of years since we had gone to him for help.  We had been overseas with the military.  We really thought Fr. Mike would not even remember us...he had so many people who was helping at the college ministry (1000's were attending Mass each Sunday and many others were seeking spiritual assistance).  However, as soon as we walked into his office, he was overjoyed to see us and acted as if we had just seen him days ago instead of years apart.  It was in that session that Michael and I began to find healing once again.  Once again through the grace of our Lord, Fr. Mike knew the words to help us.

Soon after this, Fr. Mike was called to the Diocesan office to assist with vocations.  He had boosted the number of religious in the diocese and specifically from the college campus at A&M that he was sent to replicate this throughout the diocese.  Michael and I also moved to another area.  However, when ever we chanced to meet he would embrace us in a kind way remembering us as a friend.  Again...such a blessing!

We are so excited to know that he will lead the diocese of San Angelo.  We hope we can be at his installation in January.  God willing...we will be there.

Oh...and since this came up...I had meant to do this last year but got side tracked.  The ceremony for the installation is so beautiful.  Words cannot describe the joy and the feeling of the Spirit in the experience.  However, here are the steps in the ceremony:

  • Invoking of the Holy Spirit by the previous bishop (or bishops in attendance).
  • The mandate from the Apostolic See is read from the altar.
  • A public examine in which the acceptance to the role as bishop "with the help of God" is proclaimed to all in attendance.  
  • Then a Litany of Mary and the Saints is prayed together.
  • At the installation of Bishop Strickland last year, the deacon said, "You came from this clergy, so you have no excuse but to love them.  Let us go as it is time for the Lord to act."
  • At this time, the bishops in attendance (There were 40 bishops and a cardinal at the one last year.) lay hands on the newly appointed bishop, handing down the the unchanging faith given to us from the Apostles.
  • This is followed by the prayer of consecration.
  • Then the Book of the Gospels is held over his head.
  • Sacred chrism oil is then used to anoint the bishop. 
  • At this time, the bishop is invested with the Book of Gospels and told to preach unceasingly.  
  • The bishop is given his miter as a sign of his growth in holiness and a staff to symbolize his position as shepherd and pastor of his flock.  
  • A ring is also presented to the new bishop as a sign of fidelity.
  • The new bishop is led to his chair (Little known fact...any church that holds the bishop's chair is called a cathedral (it is not a style of church) as chair in Latin is "cathedra.")
  • After this placement in his chair, all of the bishops and priests are allowed to come before the bishop to offer a kiss of peace.

I am sure I am forgetting parts of the ceremony.  I will try to take better notes to fill in the gaps this time around.  I love the symbolism of the parts of the ceremony...I cannot emphasize how beautiful the experience.