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Monday, October 19, 2020

Thankful in all of the Chaos

October 19 (Monday)...

Today happened. Isn’t it funny how that is possible without us thinking about it? 

We are all so blessed to be able to have a day full of happenings...good and bad...and never even doing a thing to make it possible. 

Our Creator took care of that for us. Be thankful!!  

And this is where my thoughts travel at the end of the day. 

We made it through the school day (although we had to finish up in the evening hours). 

We made it to my mom’s pre-screening COVID test. Not a lot of fun in that experience. But she got it done. 

Then I made it to my radiation appointment to review the plan and try out radiation scans for the treatments that start tomorrow. Darn that mask and the uncomfortable feeling it causes me!  Then I also found out my previous tech team were moved to a new location so I have new techs that are not as compassionate. I am going to need some extra prayers for them this week. Lord, help them to see their job as ministering to the sick and not just a paycheck!  I know I can do this treatment regardless of their attitude, as I will pray my way through the process. However, I do pray for these techs to have a change of heart for other patients who need to be helped with compassion. 

We left radiation and headed home. We celebrated the lives of several martyrs who gave witness to Christ’s love and salvation in the early years of North American exploration.  We remembered their struggles of reaching the hearts of the Native Americans by sharing in a simple meal we like to call Three Sisters Stew. I have always thought this Native legend would make a good children’s story. Tonight I came up with a way to make it work. Praying I can take some time this week to write it down. 

Since I have always tried to be honest in these updates, I want to share that our family had a rough night today. I can never seem to figure out why these things happen. But we have these trying evenings from time to time...and this was one of those nights. It was like the perfect matter how hard we tried our ship was sailing into troubled waters. You know...we are a lively crew and tonight we were all wound up. So glad after a little bit of a shouting match, we were able to agree (forcibly ?) that we all needed to get some extra sleep. [Although this is a stressful time for our family, this is nothing new for us. Over the years, I see this happen and wonder sometimes if other families deal with this too.]

It is quiet in the house now. I thought I would go to sleep quickly after the others, yet here I am awake. I am still contemplating how this day happened. It was a day of blah and not so fun experiences, but it was a day created for us to live. So I take a deep breath and relax in that thought. 

This is not a day that I would want to repeat or have as a lasting memory. However, it was a day to live so I am thankful. Now maybe I can go to sleep and be refreshed for a new day. 

Praise be to God!!


Angel Weers

We all have those days. And no matter how thankful we are to have the days, sometimes the days still get to us, individually and/or as a family. Sometimes our rough edges poke each other and are just an irritant that goes against all the good intentions we have in our hearts and minds. LOL Your family is amazing with how well you all work together. You have done an amazing job as a unit, but you're all still human. 😉 It's actually nice to know that EVEN you all have those trying times together. Love you all!

Jean Moses

Your honesty and reflections are inspiring. Praying that today will go smoothly and medical people you have contact with will be full of compassion—but if not, that your compassion and witness of your love of Jesus will inspire them and influence them.

Paula Thompson Havard

I have prayed that you are all refreshed today and that the outlook is better. However bad the day may feel, a day that causes you to be closer to our savior through prayer and to find ways to be thankful is not a bad day. Rather it is a positive response to things that just dont feel good. Thanks for letting me pray with you.

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