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Friday, October 2, 2020

A Human Ping Pong Ball

 October 2 (Friday)...

I feel like I played a game of ping pong today, and I was the ping pong ball!  

For those who saw my post on my Facebook feed, I am sorry if I had you worried. But today was pretty stressful trying to figure out a new schedule when the one planned was ripped out my planner and I had to start a new plan for October. To be honest, we are still not sure of all the plans for the month. 

I started out my morning with my crew...we were going to Mass to pray and celebrate the Feast of Our Guardian Angels. I really appreciated Fr. Martin when he began Mass stating, “We have come together to acknowledge our weaknesses and confirm our need for God in our lives.”

In hindsight, I should have taken more notice of the Reading from Psalm 139:

“Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.”

Maybe I would not have been so quick to send out my plea for more prayers (Although I am thankful for all those who prayed for me.). I truly believe everything happens for a reason in God’s great plan. So, I am sure there is a reason my nicely inked planner was thrown to the wind with just one simple phone call. 

As we were leaving Mass, I got a phone call from the surgical facility. They wanted to know what time I could come in for my surgery pre-screening. What!!??!!  I don’t even have a surgery date. Yes, you do...We show you scheduled for Monday. What!!!??!!!

So the scrambling began. I would need to talk to my oncologist before committing to surgery on Monday. No answer!!  I would need to verify with neurosurgeon before committing to pre-screening tests. No answer!!  I would need to talk with my radiologist before making plans. No answer!!!

After several go arounds waiting for someone to answer their phone, the plans were confirmed (until the next change! ๐Ÿ˜). Then I called the surgical facility in hopes that the earliest appointment for pre-screening could take place before my appointment with radiologist. 

We got the crew settled at home. Once again, I am thankful our school week is a four-day plan to allow for field trips and extracurricular activities. Today our field trip would be for me and my mom!  ๐Ÿ˜. Then we were out the door in time to make that appointment on the other side of town. 

When I arrived, I was greeted by friendly staff who were eager to help every thing to run smoothly. Nurse Tommy led me to the back to begin the tests. Just a review of my medical history and medications. It always surprises new medical staff to find I only take vitamins & supplements and I have only had one other surgery. I always laugh and tell them I consider myself a healthy person with cancer. 

Then I had lab work done. But wait!!!  We only have one radiology tech today and he was taken from the OR to take an x-ray of my chest. Rush next door to have that done!  Nope...just as I walked in the room, the phone rang to let him know he was needed back in OR as soon as possible. 

Back to exam room for me to continue with blood draw. Yay for me!!  My blood draw was easy today!!!  Followed that with an EKG. I was told my pulse was slightly raised. What did they expect?  I had been racing around to get it all done.

Now we just wait for x-ray tech. Oh by the way... I need to leave within the next 30 minutes to make it to my next appointment. Nurse Tommy said he would make it work. And while we waited we got to talk about my cancer and how it was best to have patience. He told me that I was the highlight of his day!!  Awww...๐Ÿ˜Š sweet!!  

But still no sign of a x-ray tech. So he told me that I should go to my appointment and come back for this final pre-screening test. more thing... I had to do the dreaded COVID test. Odd but for some reason it had to be done outside. I am not sure why. But he walked me outside and had me standing there reaching over the top of me at an angle (we were the same height) and it felt like I was probed right up to my brain.  My second COVID test and I hope I don’t have another one. 

I raced to my radiologist and arrived right on time. The nurse asked me the typical questions, including the question about pain that I never know how to answer. I told her that at this time I am not feeling pain but when I do it is mainly in my back. Of course, I would be having back surgery to relieve that pain on Monday. Then the radiologist stepped in to begin consult. 

Dr. Zubyk asked if I was having any pain in the areas where the cancer had spread. I laughed and told her no one had told me where I was supposed to be hurting. So she showed me the bone scan that was done three weeks ago. I have three new spots on my bones. The right scapula (shoulder blade) has minimal inconsequential spot. My left hip has a lesion which is also not very large (although it looked big to me on the scan shown). She does want to treat this area because it is weight bearing and could cause trouble if not treated. 

Then there is a small spot on the cervical spine but this should not need to be treated unless it hurts. Well, I have been complaining about my neck since the end of July but no one seemed concerned so I stopped mentioning it. I just learned to turn my body when I needed to see to the left. She gave me a funny look and said we should treat the area. I asked if I would need a mask again. Yes. So then I asked if I could just bring the one from the last radiation treatment. She gave me another funny look. I am told no one saves their mask. I guess I am not like other people. ๐Ÿ˜

I still have cancer showing in my lower back but this should be removed during back surgery. And I have the spot on my left temple but she wants to check that again before determining the need to radiate. She told me that we have no comparison bone scan for that spot so we will assume it has not grown. I think I will talk to Dr. Drengler about that when I see him next time. 

So I will not be placed on her schedule until the insurance approves further radiation. She also wants to wait until after my next round of chemo treatment, which has now been postponed a week due to back surgery. I think the radiation will happen some time before the end of the month. 

With that appointment complete, I went back to surgical facility to compete the x-ray needed. Quick and easy and back out the door in less than ten minutes. Nurse Tommy apologized for the need for me to return and was quick to get me into x-ray as soon as I arrived. 

When talking to my oncologist nurse, she told me that Dr. Drengler also had plans for me to have an MRI and a PET Scan after my next round of chemo. So I will need to have that fit into my schedule too. 

All of these appointments are doable. However, we also have to fit in my mom’s appointments too. Our main concern is determining drivers. I will not be able to drive for a month after back surgery. My mom was told she could not drive for 3-7 days after her procedure. Our only other driver is Michael who would need to take off work. I know we have friends willing to help. It just got a little crazy thinking about all the coordination that will need to happen to make it to all these appointments. 

I begin to worry but when I stress..I asked for prayers. I am so thankful for my prayer warriors. And I know God is answering the prayers. Tonight during our family prayer this simple message was shown to us as we began:

“God rescues us in all our distress.”

So October begins with a bang. God is good and gives me strength through it all. And as I have come to know, the best made plans of man are not always God’s plan. 

Jesus, I trust in you!!!

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