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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Calling on St. Michael

One thing that remains consistent for me (long before I found out I had cancer) is how I tend to wake up some time during the 3 o’clock hour every morning.  I call it my fight with the devil hour. Given that 3 o’clock in the afternoon is the time Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. I figure the devil wants to work in the darkness to do his dirty work. Sometimes I stay awake for just a short time praying. Other times I remain awake and pray for an extended time praying for the end of hate and evil that comes to mind. 

Through it all I always begin and end my prayer time in this hour with intercession from one of my favorites...St. Michael the Archangel.

August 6 (Thursday)... I would love to say it was a great day and I was able to enjoy some rest after my third round of chemo. However, whatever was causing me to have a reaction (I still think it is the steroids) continued to fight against me. 

I woke up this morning with a rash on both arms and now down both my legs. The rash is not painful or itchy so I waited to call the doctors office when they opened around 9am. 

I was also feeling very hyped and could probably run a marathon. So I took advantage of that and went grocery shopping on speed dial. I was determined to be finished during the same time little miss was in her tutoring session. Yes, i got it done with Sean’s help. So I guess that side effect was beneficial. 
By the time Nurse Practitioner (Dr. D is still out of town) got back with me, I was about to leave the second store. She told me that I should try taking Benadryl to relieve the symptoms and let her know if anything changed. So I purchased this on the way out of the store.

I got home with my loaded down car full of food. I know all of you caring souls are already thinking i did too much. And at that moment in time i would agree with you. I was shaking from the hyped up jitters so bad that I could not even read the label on the pill bottle for dosage. I was feeling like a drug addict needing a downer. Well, in comes my downer...Benny!  I took him and I was crashed in my sun room in minutes. 

I woke up three hours later and spent another hour in prayer before I was able to get up with any sense in my head. 

All i can say is my body is not used to this “joy ride.”  When I meet with Dr. D again we are going to have a serious talk about these meds. I discussed with mom and I can only think of one other time I was on steroids and that was when I had a severe case of poison ivy on my face. I don’t think these steroids agree with me. We will see. 

Added to the fun mix of the day was some issues that I will deem TMI. So I spent the rest of the day trying to just be reminded that I am a sick person. 

My mom laughed at me when I was curled up in a ball on my bed saying “There are sicker people in the world than I am.”  Her response...”But you are still a sick person. No matter how you think you feel. It is OK to admit you are sick too!”  Oh, I know she is right but it is so not in me to be sick. This is my biggest battle which comes from within to be a fighter but know my limits. 

At the end of the day, I think the meds balanced each other and the rash reaction is gone. Tomorrow I will stay close to home in prayer. And I now have until the last week of the month to rest and have some normalcy without treatments.

I almost forgot about our fun family dinner. August 6 is the traditional day to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord. And our family started a fun dinner tradition several years ago. We pull out all the leftovers in the fridge and take turns creating individual meal with what is available. The rule is you must eat whatever you make. At the end of the meal, we determine who had the most creative use of the leftovers. 

We call this our transfiguration leftover night. What better use of leftovers turned into something new and often better!  

So we had the extra bonus this time because our amazing friends brought us such a great salad bar the night before. We had lots of choices for making some great mini dishes!  I think everyone did a great job creating a new meal!  However my favorite was Sean’s quiche!

The best part was it was no work for me or my mom. We just pulled out the food from the fridge and watched the creativity with little effort on our part. A good way to end this crazy day. Yay!

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