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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Uplifting Moments

July 22 (Wednesday)...I don’t have a real update but thankful for another day of bone radiation complete. Also, I know that my next round of radiation to my liver is planned for July 30. 

I thought I would share some uplifting moments from my day. 

Before I left for the day, our Little Miss came in to watch me get ready. She stood above me on the edge of the tub so she could watch me brush my teeth. Oh the joys of motherhood!  Who knew brushing teeth could be so exciting!!! Then she bent over to kiss me on the top of my bald head!  I told her she was very sweet. And then she says with a grin...I would kiss you more if your little hairs did not poke my lips!  Ouch!  Ha ha!!!  

Then I was off to have my eyes re-examined. I did not like the way my new prescription (from February) was working so I wanted to verify that the medications were not effecting my eyes. 

Due to all this virus, the owner of the clinic is allowing her employees to bring their children to work. One little sweetie (maybe 3yo) happened into my exam room while I was waiting. She looked at me for an awkward second (I was not wearing a cover over my head) and then looks me over completely. She then says... I like your toes!!  Before zooming out the door!  So sweet to find something nice to say to this old bald lady!   Ha ha!  

And then off to radiation. Mike continues to greet me and encourage me through the treatments. Today he asked how I was doing so I simply said I was well but momma bear had to come out to protect her cubs. He laughed and radiation proceeded. At the very end of radiation, he came up to me and bent down to whisper...”you are a better teacher then she will ever dream of being. And you have already forgotten more than she will ever know.”  

Wow!  I did not even tell him what i meant about needing to be momma bear. How did he know I was struggling with an assessment given to our Little Miss?  How did he know i had to defend my understanding of education to an administrator?  How did he know that I was starting to doubt myself after twenty two years of homeschooling?  And did he know that those words made me want to cry like a baby but also soar like an eagle all at the same time?  Nope!  He had already left the room to zap the cancer in my bones!  Ha ha!  

Little moments throughout the day that gave me joy!  But also moments that encourage me to make decisions. What a day!

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