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Friday, July 24, 2020

Planning for the Children and More

 July 24 (Friday)... I woke up with so much energy even I was shocked!  

I spent the morning working on high school transcript for our soon to be senior. We needed to determine what his final year of school would look like to choose curriculum. Turns out he only needs four classes. Yay!  

I got so excited about how easy his year was going to work for us. So I pulled up the school plan for our other two little sweeties. We follow curriculum from a well known school of choice so it is easy to plan. Turns out I am only short one book for the 6th grade and consumable books for the 3rd grade. That makes me want to do a dance!  We could practically start school next week!  Children are saying nope!  We have always waited for the Monday after Labor Day with a review of books and schedule the week before. No rush!  

However, this got this school girl even more energized!  And it was a good thing because I had an early morning appointment with NP Wendy. Today we had Sean tagging along with us so we could take him to work. So off we went for the day’s adventure. 

The appointment brought good news from the lab results. I continue to show good counts on all the blood platelets and other markers. I still remain a little anemic but not low enough to worry as my iron remains on target. 

I asked a few questions about my health.  However, the best part of the visit was asking about being able to drive again. I have not been able to drive a vehicle since the beginning of May. I have now been released to drive so watch out world. Or at least within ten miles of our house because I don’t think my family will let me drive further than that distance. Besides no long road trips in my future just yet. 

When I made it back out to the parking lot, we still had 4 hours until my radiation treatment. So we decided to check to see how busy our local warehouse store would be at this time of day. We had tried for a month to get an order ready for pick up but it was never available. We knew we were going to need food supply soon. When we arrived it was surprisingly slow so we zoomed around the store with ease. Yay!  Mission accomplished without a lot of hassle or exposure. 

We then grabbed some lunch at a local diner. Yes, we ate inside where we could enjoy air conditioning. But they were super sensitive to keeping their patrons safe and they had amazing food!  

We were still an hour early but I decided to give it a try and go in early. It was like they were waiting for me!  I brought a small gift to thank the medical staff who made the radiation a good experience. They were so thankful!  I was early but they had a time slot available so I zoomed through my last zapping of the bones with radiation. Yay!!!  

I have not mentioned music since those first days on the table with my face covered with mask trying to breathe. This is mainly is because I never really had to focus on the music after that...prayer was enough. But I did think the song I heard today was fitting way to end. The song was “Rocket Man” by Elton John. Although the words really do not relate, I was so energized from the knowledge that bone radiation was complete that I think I could skyrocket right out of that room!  

But leave it to Mike to bring me back down to earth and be humbled.  Mike walked me out of the treatment area and said I was a good person. He was glad to call me friend but he was convinced they got the cancer and he never wanted to see me again. Oh I hugged him...I know I was not supposed to do it but I did!  I told him that I know his job is hard and he was the cheerleader of the group with his positive energy. I told him that we pray for all my medical team daily. He would not be forgotten as I tell my story!  A good moment to walk away with a confidence that prayers are being answered. 

We were so early that we had time to go home before needing to take Sean to work. Yay! 


And to add to the day... I got to actually drive a car today!  As fate would have it, we had taken one of the vehicles in for a small repair and the job was completed right after dropping off Sean for work. My mom was a little nervous because she was worried I would be too tired. However, I assured her I would be fine. She left before me so the company could finish washing the vehicle. It took a little longer than we thought so I felt like I was 16 again. It did not help that my phone battery was so low I could not call her. I pulled into the driveway with my Mom right there with her own momma bear look. Oh my goodness! 

What a great day!!!  Lots of good news and adventure rolled into one long joyful day.  Praise be to God!!!

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