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Monday, November 30, 2020

This New Plan Did Not Go So Well

November 30 (Monday)...

Well, I have been holding off on an update mainly because I was having a busy week (like the rest of you I am sure!), but also because I was not sure what I wanted to report.  I have always said I would be honest and no sugar coating this story.  And I want to hold true to that because I never know if someone reading this might be having a hard time and need to know that they are not alone.  

I began the new medicine last Monday and all went well the first day.  The second day I was starting to feel the side effects.  Let's just trips to the restroom became more frequent.  It was rough and I spent a lot of the time resting in between the bustle of the week.  I was so thankful to not only celebrate Thanksgiving, but my mom's 80th birthday as well.  

I was a little concerned that my mom's special day would not be what she expected.  However, she is a trooper and happy to just be with family and hear from family and friends through cards, phone calls, and social media wishes.  She even had her favorite dessert...lemon meringue pie...through the help of some friends who had no idea that their special treat would come just when it needed to be delivered.  It still disappointed me that I could not make it myself, but I knew God once again gave us what we needed to celebrate life!  

The week continued like that and soon a terrible headache was added to the mix.  It was frustrating because I wanted to be well for the holiday.  I finally realized that the best choice for everyone was for me to sit back and let the preparations be handled by the rest of the crew...keep it simple and it would be fine.  And that got us through Thanksgiving.  We are blessed!  God is good!

Then we spent Friday preparing for a few of my brothers to come celebrate with us on Saturday.  Just a few extra and a small celebration.  We would zoom with those who could not come.  Thankfully, the meal was planned well in advance and ready to go.  Also, the crew were all home (including our College Guy) to get everything ready.  The guests arrived...we had a great time!  But I was not feeling well at this point.  I was now adding nausea to the mix.  Even the thought of food makes me nauseous.  Ugh!  

By Sunday afternoon, I was seriously thinking about stopping the medicine.  I was going to call Dr. Drengler and tell him there had to be a better way.

The funny thing is that I still had the desire to share God's message with others.  I have now added videos about Advent to my "to do" list.  I want to share what I know about the traditions and the preparation of the season.  And, I actually feel more focused in my thoughts.  Maybe I needed to lose some of my energy to listen and find focus.  Then push forward and make it happen.  

Yesterday, our family spent time enjoying the discussion of generosity and sharing after reading Stone Soup (a tradition we have had in our house for over 10 years and we still gain from the story!)  We also discussed how the concept of time travel and other dimensions without figuring in the soul would be difficult to explain.  Some interesting conversations at the dinner table for sure!

I guess what I want to spite of the struggle...I learned that some times less is more.  Some things will need to be put to the side, and then we can focus on being a family without the busy-ness.  I know I have said this before...I just needed the reminder as the days for all of us get busy and we forget the real reason we enter into this season.  

Today...I woke up and still had a headache...I still had nausea...but I decided that the best thing to do...ride the coaster through this round.  Next Monday, I will talk to the doctor about what to expect for the next time.  I pray it will be easier or we have a plan to help with the side effects.  

Today...I also had a phone call from radiologist half way through the morning.  I was to report to the clinic as soon as possible to have my practice run for radiation.  It was different than last round of radiation.  The mask had to be a little snugger...I had to be held down a little more than before...but I made it through the experience with prayer.  The Thursday radiation should go quickly. 


I made it home to find dinner ready and the older boys ready to go out the door with Michael.  That left me with the littles to read our Advent book of the day...a cute story about a family who brought Christmas to their town (An Early American Christmas).  We talked about how it was okay to be counter-culture.  We know that we are working toward being closer to God.  

So once again, I pray that as I take this cancer roller coaster that others will learn from my experience.  I will make it through this too.  And I will be better for the experience.  Praise God!!!


Roz McHugh Fagan

Prayers for peace and comfort through the treatment side effects!

Paula Thompson Havard

I am so honored to witness your journey, albeit from afar, as you bless me. I love you and hope you got the card from us.

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