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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

One More Time with the Radiologist (?)

 November 11 (Wednesday)...

Today I was able to meet with my radiologist.  We all agreed that we had hoped to never see each other again.  Unfortunately, that was not meant to be.  Dr. Zubyk told me it broke her heart to know that the report showed cancer in my cerebellum.  However, once she started looking, the area was so small she knew she would be able to treat the area without any problem.  

I will need a new mask for this procedure.  It will be a little different from the past treatments.  I am now getting treatment on the edge...really...the treatment equipment is called the Edge!  So I guess I will need to be a little more careful to not have this cancer spread anymore...who knows where it will take me next!

She did mention that there was a chance that my brain would not remove the dead cells after the radiation.  I asked her how likely this was to happen, and her response was that she had only had complications twice in her 20+ years of radiology.  Oh!  Why did she have to tell me that?!?  I told her that I have been in the 1% category all along the way!  She told me that she rejected that thought.  We would remain positive in all of this!  

So as long as I have a "good" brain, the dead cells will slough off and all will be fine.  The most likely side effect will come a week after treatment in the form of a headache and possible nausea.  If I have a "bad" brain, then I will have balance and movement issues.  Or possibly no noticeable issues but I will have a follow up MRI in the next six months that would show swelling.  If this occurs, I will need to be placed on a month long steroid treatment.  

Praying that my "good" brain does the hard part and all goes well.  I am not sure when this treatment will take place.  A lot of coordination will have to take place right before the holiday season.  I will not only need to be scheduled at a clinic with the Edge equipment, but also coordinate the schedules of both my radiologist and neurosurgeon.  

So I wait for this treatment to happen along with my new chemo plan.  I still have not heard back from Dr. Drengler's nurse, but I am sure it is in the approval process and will happen next week. 


In the mean time, I will enjoy this short break in treatment to get out and enjoy this beautiful fall weather.  God bless to all!


Heidi Callison Smith

Most people worry about Left Brain/Right Brain issues - leave it to you to need Good Brain prayers! I'll be praying!! 

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