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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Midwife Confusion

First, I would like to say that I have a good relationship with my midwife.  She delivered my last child and we had a great experience.  She even introduced me to the joy of water birth and I will forever be grateful.

However, today I was so upset after my midwife appointment that I was close to tears.  Unfortunately, one of my emotions that I need to work on is my anger.  Many would not believe this (or maybe they know all to well) but when I get angry I will vent my emotion through tears.  And out world!

SO, when I got to that point today, I knew I need to leave and fast!  I had to get this emotion under control. I knew that she was just trying to help me but I just did not agree with her methods and felt like I was being tricked into something I did not want.  This is what happened:

Let me also tell you that a couple of days make all the difference in the world for a woman who is known for going past her due date AND wants things to progress naturally.  One of the reasons I use a midwife is because I did not like the idea or the feeling of being induced.  My first two babies were induced and it was an awful experience.  Unfortunately, it has become a normal process in ObGyn offices across the nation for post-term babies but also for convenience.  It is a soapbox I will not step up on (mainly because I can barely get up on the box...LOL) but it really makes me upset to think of all the women tricked into this process.

So, from the beginning I fought for the correct due date.  My husband and I have charted my cycle from the first days of our marriage (another topic some day) so I knew when this baby was conceived.  However, going by the ALL KNOWING wheel of due dates, my midwife set my due date for August 3, 2012.  On the other hand, I felt like my due date was more likely August 6, 2012.  I are thinking what is a couple of days!  It makes all the difference in the world if I do not want to be induced.  As it is now, my midwife is getting concerned and starting to think about ultrasounds (we don't do that!) and calling on doctors near the birthing center (2 hours from our house!).  So, if I can get her to hold off even a couple of extra days, then I will have a better chance at that natural home birth that I desire!

When I arrived today, I was all ready for the worst.  I even had Michael pack a bag of must-haves in case something happened at the center.  After all, if there was going to be a change in plans, it seemed logical (HA!) that it happen after we had already made the trek into see the midwife.

No such luck as that!  I arrived and all was the same as usual.  I am only dilated at 2cm and cervix has softened.  All vital signs look great and baby is doing well.  Except for the fact that the baby is still high in the womb (head down thankfully!) and not ready for delivery.  So, here is where the fun begins!

The midwife starts asking if I have begun the torture exercises....the pelvic tilts....the ball bouncing...etc.  And then the part that really made me upset.  She asked if I had ever heard of Master Gland.  It is an herbal medicine that MIGHT help cause labor to start but only if I take it for two days.  I am not sure why but I immediately got a funny feeling something was not right.  My midwife in all of her experience is not big on herbal medicine so this was a new one for me.  In fact, I have used herbal medicines with past midwives so that was not the problem.

At the time I really did not know what I was upset about.  I just quietly got dressed (my anger increasing) and prepared to leave.  She met me at the door and asked if I was upset about the baby not cooperating.  I told her no because I really felt like everything was under control.  I left the birthing center confused.

I was even set to go to the natural food store for this herbal concoction she 'prescribed.' However, we promised the boys we would take them out for ice cream.  So, on the way for their treat, I called my mother and asked her to do an internet search for the herbal formula.  Then it all began to make sense...

Have you ever heard of the old wive's tale of caster oil to induce labor?  If not, let me tell is not nice! One of the worst tortures I have ever heard.  Unfortunately, it will still come up for women who have been tricked into this awful experience.  It just makes me so mad that anyone would want to torture a pregnant woman this way.

What is caster oil?  What are the effects?

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the castor bean.  The castor seed contains ricin, a toxic protein use as a laxative with its major site of action the small intestine.  (And, here is the worst part for a woman who will already be in enough discomfort.)  It is not a preferred treatment, because it can produce painful cramps, fecal incontinence and explosive diarrhea. Its action can go on for hours, sometimes unpredictably and powerfully causing an involuntary bowel movement at inconvenient locations and during sleep.

AND THEN, the woman is supposed to go into labor!!!!  Only someone who wants to torture a woman would allow such treatment!

My midwife did not suggest I take caster oil.  However, the effects of the Master Gland formula is much the same.  It is made up of many herbs brought together to clear out the digestive tract and POSSIBLY induce labor...within two days!  I am sorry it might be called something different but the effects are the same and I will have no part of it!  

So, here I am...waiting.  I will continue to be patient and know that God has the plan.  I know that any suffering will only be temporary.  As I told our boys today...the baby cannot stay in here forever.  

On the positive side....we came home and cleaned some more of the house.  It is so nice to have a clean house!  :)

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