A great start as the boys woke up and raced out the door for PE. It is still so hot where we live that I try to get the boys outside as early as possible. The boys ran two miles...we have it measured off to go around the house OR up and down our long driveway. Edward and Brendan actually run a mile but they can get it done fast. Then they came into breakfast. We had some of cinnamon bagels Michael made yesterday along with juice.
Morning classes also included spelling, vocabulary, (handwriting and phonics for Edward), math, reading and English.
After lunch and recess, our afternoon classes included history, geography, science, art and music.
However, today the boys were so excited about school we were able to complete today's work before lunch! This was great news because we spent the afternoon working on tomorrow's morning school work. This helps because I have my follow up appointment with my midwife. Michael is planning a fun field trip with the boys. I am so glad this is all working out!
The highlight of the day was our first science experiment in Physical Science. The basic concept of atoms and molecules was discussed. I thought the following statement was interesting: "Atoms are so small we cannot see them at all. How do we know that they exist? Lots of experiments have been done that can only be explained if you ASSUME atoms exist; thus, there is a lot of indirect evidence that atoms exist. All of this indirect evidence leads us to believe that atoms are, indeed, REAL."
This makes me think about the existence of God. There is a group of scientists out there who can believe in the existence of atoms but cannot believe in God. Why can't they see that God is SO BIG that He is beyond our understanding. That there have been miracles throughout time that can only be explained by His presence, and this indirect evidence leads us to believe that God is, indeed, REAL!
With that said, let me tell you about the experiment. The boys gathered the supplies: juice glass (3/4 full of water), baking soda, 2 pieces of electrical wire (stripped 1/2 inch on both ends), and a 9-volt battery. The soda was dissolved in the water. The wires were taped to each side of the charge and then placed in the water. Look at the reaction that took place!
Not only did the water bubble up but the wire on the positive charge actually changed colors! AND after ten minutes into the experiment the entire cup of water had a blueish-green tinge as well!
My thoughts: It is much like God in our lives. When we are connected with God (battery), we are given a positive charge that changes us...this is an interior change in our faith (molecular composition) but there is also an outward change (oxidized metal) that others see. AND, the change in our lives can lead to change in others (water color) which spreads all around us! By the way, the negative charge did not have an effect on the wire and so, did not change the water...it all came from the positive side! What an awesome way to show God's existence!
SIDENOTE: We had planned to go to a home school potluck at the park tonight. I also had a 4H project leaders meeting. However, Zaira broke out in a rash all over her body. We are watching this close and hope she is not getting sick. I think all activities away from home are cancelled for us today.
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