Then I took Amanda to an orientation, but decided to take a side trip to let Henry take a picture of a tree (photography project he is working on). When I pulled off to the side of the road to let him take his pictures (took less than two minutes) the car would not budge....we were STUCK!!! No matter how hard I tried to get out...the tire went in deeper. I had to call Michael...who had to call a tow service to pull us out! Thankfully, we were able to take the second car...Michael stayed with the stuck car...but we barely got Amanda to her orientation. We all got home around the same time and had a late dinner, which meant a late night before getting everyone settled in bed.
By the end of the day, I was a basket family wanted nothing to do with me...I was mad at myself and taking it out on everyone else. Not a good way to spend a leisurely day in January after just getting my husband back and getting over illness. I do not know why the day turned out this way, but I woke up this morning and was reading about little Charlotte (the child we will remember today) and I am more determined than ever to start anew that there is no excuse to waste a day not knowing when the last will come.
Charlotte was a six-year-old who had a love for animals...ALL animals...and dreamed of being a veterinarian one day. Her last request...actually insistent begging...was to wear her new pink dress and boots to school...which her mother finally relented and allowed Charlotte to do. As you can imagine any little girl doing, I am sure she was strutting around showing off her new outfit to her friends that morning. She did not have a care in the world and was happy in the moment. Those who knew her said she was an outgoing, mischievousness little girl who loved life. I thought it was interesting that in the reports about her, I came across a story about a song she loved to hear...'Home' by Phillip Phillips. I am not saying this is the most profound song in the world but it did make me realize (again!) that I am not alone on this journey.
You know...looking back at really was not that bad...I had no reason to get upset. I let the errors of the day get the best of me. In the end, the quilt was completed....the car got out of the mud...Amanda got to her meeting...and we are all together as a family and well again. Looking at the positive and learning to appreciate the good...being patient with life...I need to learn these lessons....oh how I wish I did not have to repeat the course over and over again! Reading from Hebrews this morning helped me realize that even in my errors I would be OK. You see..."[Jesus] had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way,...Because he himself was tested through what he suffered,
he is able to help those who are being tested." (2:14-18)
So, when I am being tested, I am going to try to remember that Jesus is there with me...and place his name upon my lips in prayer instead of trying to ride the roller coaster of life alone and knocking everyone else aside along the way. Please, Lord, help me to remember this promise! Amen.
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