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Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Joyful Way to End a Long Week

 I had such a long week that I was coming home exhausted and could not put out an update.  Sorry for those who were wondering what happened with me last week.  The short answer is that I made it through two days of radiation and completed my second round of chemo treatments.  I did not have any side effects other than being tired.  

To add a little more information...I was able to talk with my radiologist on Wednesday to ask her about my brain tumors.  She was surprised because this was supposed to be taken care of earlier in the month.  A new radiologist was needed to perform radiation on my newest brain tumors.  She would look into the situation and get back with me.  On that day, I was supposed to have an early morning radiation treatment and then a long break before an afternoon chemo treatment.  Since I had extra time, my mom and I were going to look for groceries (still a little lacking in the stores last week) and meet Nancy for lunch.  My mom would go home and Nancy would take me to my afternoon treatments.  Oh!...the plans we make!  Halfway through the grocery store, I got a call from a nurse who wanted me to hurry back to the center for a consult with the new radiologist.  I quickly through in some last minute items to our cart, checked out and raced back to the center.  I met with the new radiologist (Dr. Mira) who is one of the few radiologist who can use the Gamma Knife equipment.  I had to have the consult with him before a request for approval could be sent in to our insurance.  We have the start to this process and will hopefully have this procedure done in the near future.  

Wednesday night the little bit of hair I had left was taken off again (It started falling out on Monday and it was a much bigger fall out then the first time!).  I had this great plan to shave a big Aggie symbol on the back of my head before shaving it off completely.  I thought I would redeem a failure to have Aggie pride from my college days.  However, my hair did not cooperate.  The closest I was able to come was having my mom paint the sign on the back of my head with maroon paint! My hair did not even cooperate with that plan as it kept falling out as she painted!  Haha!  So I am now bald again and it is so nice not to have hair in my food again.  

The rest of the week was all about radiation but I also through in a little bit of fun.  Nancy had time to meet me after radiation on Thursday so we could go geocaching.  A nice afternoon enjoying the fresh air along a back road.  

Friday evening we had the joy of talking the evening away with Amy and Peter.  We have known each other for many years so it was great to see them.  However, we also talked a lot about my cancer and the use of essential oils.  I was so grateful for their advice and and support.  Many of what Peter told me confirmed what we already knew from the doctors; however, we also discussed building up my immune system.  I am so excited to try something new that has a more natural effect on my body.  This will be along side the treatments with Dr. Drengler.  

Saturday, I was feeling tired most of the morning.  However, by the afternoon, I was rested enough to head out to a park to help with a clean up.  This is one of the things I love about our local geocaching group...we are always finding ways to give back.  We had about twenty people together to clean a local park.  Along with the clean up, another fun time with friends and breathing fresh air!  

Today was the best way to end the week (or start a new one!).  We went to Mass and I was given an award from our bishop called the Lumen Gentium Award.  I was shocked about a month ago to have our priest come to me and say he had nominated me for this award.  Today was the day it was presented to me at Mass.  This is such an honor and humbled that I would be recognized.  "The parish Lumen Gentium Award is bestowed upon Catholic laypeople from each parish who have demonstrated participation in the Catholic Church’s mission to bring Christ’s light to all.  The individuals are practicing Catholics who manifest an understanding of the teachings of the church and have been graced with a life formed in the Catholic spiritual tradition. These individuals have used their talents to deepen the life of the church in the parish or have served in an extraordinary way the ministry of the parish."  

Father Martin told the parish, "She fully lives her faith and mission as a member of Christ's Faithful People.  She has obtained a degree in theology, which she places at the service of parish and archdiocesan formation.  She manages her home, teaches her children, serves in parish ministry, and shares her faith journey as an inspiration to us all."  Such kind words!  I am honored to represent our parish and the diocese.  

Add to this joy...I was so happy to have my friends Bette and Heidi come for a visit today too!  It was only a one day visit today and the time went by so quickly, but I could not have asked for a better way to spend my day.  We shared a meal and many conversations before they had to head home.  I hope we can spend many more days like this.  Bette was so sweet...she made me a prayer soft and my favorite color!

Now it is the end of the day and I can fall asleep with a smile on my face...prepared to face what this next week will bring.  Many blessings to all who continue to pray for me.  



  1. It was a lovely day. Looking forward to our next visit.

  2. Yes, it was a lovely day. SO good to see you and your beautiful family. You deserved that honor from your church Michelle - it's all true :-)
