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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Once in a Life Time Winter Storm

Well, the last week has been a little crazy!  I truly hope it is a once in a life time event.  The last time I remember any thing even close to this storm was back in 1978...our first winter in East Texas.  However, we did not lose power and had ways to stay warm.  

I think being young and care free probably played a part in the memory also.  I will say that that storm is ingrained it in my head to NOT like snow.  I just remember wanting to play in the snow with my older brothers.  They were old enough to not want a tag-along little 4-year old, but mom insisted they let me go.  So, off we went but I could not keep up in the big field even though I tried to follow in their tracks in the snow.  They ran ahead probably to cross over the frozen creek and into the deeper woods.  I found myself in the middle of the field knee deep in one of those snow tracks and could not go another step!  I hollered out for help but they were long gone.  I am not sure how long I cried out for help...probably only a short time...but it seemed long to a 4-year old, not to mention it was scary and cold.  I think my dad must have heard me at some point and pulled me up into his arms to take me back to the house to warm up.  But, that was the end of cold weather and snow for me!  

Funny, the memories we have that seize us and take away happy memories.  However, just as my 4-year old self, I knew what I needed to do.  I had only to cry out for help, and there was my father to help save me from the trap that I had made for myself.  Now, I could blame my brothers for leaving me behind in the snowy field, but the real blame is my own.  I went out and followed a path that was not meant for me.  I can hold on to the bad memory of the cold and scary moment (which I suppose I have until now), or I can recall that moment when I was lifted up into my father's arms and taken back to a warm place.  We do this with our experiences throughout life, and in a deeper way our spiritual life.  Will we take a wrong path or worse a good path not meant for us, and call out for help when we realize our error?  Will we then spend our lives remembering the bad experience, or take the time to be thankful for that moment of grace God has given us by lifting us up into his arms and taken to a safe place?

"Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you.  I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save."  Isaiah 46:4

So, now I look to this last week of winter weather inconvenience.  I will admit it was like no other storm I had ever lived through in Texas.  We have been through winter storms when we lived in Germany, but they were prepared and we had the weather gear to help us.  This storm seemed like an exaggerated forecast that could not be possible.  We were prepared to just stay home should it get as bad as predicted.  And in no way were we prepared for the worse condition that led to no electricity, no water, no internet, no way to cook the meals we had planned.  We spent most of our time praying for electricity that was supposed to be rolling, but turned into 1-5 minutes intervals of trying to get something done.  The heater did not even have time to come on to warm the house.  We spent most of Monday-Wednesday in a house that temperatures dropped into the 50s or lower.  

I think the scariest part was not knowing when the end would come and hearing that the officials did not know either.  Michael was still going to work...gone for 10-12 hours...and coming home to give us updates.  Wednesday we ventured out to find basic supplies to find out the stores were empty.  Then the second storm hit us with more snow.  This is when we lost water that would continue Thursday (low pressure...boil water notice) and Friday with no water.  

At the beginning of the week, we learned that all of these things are trivial.  One of my older brothers called to tell us that he returned from work after a long weekend shift.  Soon after he started a fire in his fireplace, he went out to check on his cows and turned around to find his entire house aflame!  He lost everything, including a camper parked nearby.  God bless those cows because I think his concern for them is what saved him.  He is now in a safe place sorting out the details.  Praise God he is alive and well.  Things can be replaced.  

So, I could go on and on about how terrible it was to live through this winter storm.  However, as we dealt with this situation, I could not help but think about the homeless and those in homes that do not heat well even with power.  For those who lost their lives due to poor conditions.  I think about those who lost their homes much like my brother due to fires.  This was just a small blip of inconvenience for us because we knew it would end.  After all, in Texas the weather does not stay like this for long.  As I type this post, the temperatures were back into the 70s and sunny!  We did not starve or go without water for long.  We eventually got to shower and get back on our computers.  We would be okay.

I thought it fitting that today we had a reading in the Sunday liturgy from Genesis 9: 8-15.  It is the end of the Noah story, when God promises to not destroy the entire earth with floods again.  

"This is the sign I am giving for all ages to come, out of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you; I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the that the waters never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings." 

Even though I did not see a rainbow in the sky, seeing the sun and warmer temperatures was enough for me.  God must have a special place in his heart for Texans I think.  He knows that snow is our flood water, and though he reminds us of what it could be like, he always brings us back into the warmth before it gets too bad!  Ha ha!

Although I could remember the terrible conditions, I would rather remember the fun we had creating meals on the gas stove top.  Learning to flush toilets with pitchers of water from the bath tub.  Watching our Little Miss and Hankie play in the snow (We learned Hank LOVES the snow but not to eat!)!  Seeing Little Miss try so hard to build her own snowman.  Going to sleep huddled in bed with extra blankets and a candle for light to lead the way should anyone wake up in the middle of the night!  The joy of hearing from family and friends who worried for us and reached out to help.  And, most of all, learning to not take for granted what we have been blessed to have in our modern world of conveniences.  

It comes full circle, God pulled us up out of this situation.  We are blessed.  This too passed.  I am thankful for the little joys!  And I will bask in the sunlight looking for that rainbow!  

I pray anyone reading this is also well.  Should you still be in poor conditions, know that I am praying for you.  If you need help, please let us know.  God bless you all!

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