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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Ants Go Marching

I was sick through the night, and still not feeling great this morning so chose to avoid passing any germs on to the children at day camp.  Amanda and Christina took Brendan and Henry, as well as my replacement...Sean (handy helper who happens to be our family insect expert) so they could enjoy camp.  Meanwhile they went off to run errands.

Today's camp was all about ants, which was why I thought it such an amazing coincidence that Sean would need to go in my place.  All things worked out as they should for the day...and I got some much needed rest!

Here are the pictures from the day...

After the girls picked up the boys, they surprised them by taking them all out to lunch...mainly to celebrate Sean's birthday.  Then they met with our favorite the US Forestry Service to obtain give away items for the next year.  I am so excited to have a great start to our Nature Club that we will offer to the home school group this fall.

To end this day of nature, Michael took Sean and Henry to the beekeeper's meeting.  They discussed honey harvest.
Brendan adding the picture of his worm to his trail art.

The book of the day was Hey Mr. Ant!

Sean explaining the life cycle of an ant

Marching out in the their ant hats!

The search for ants!

Brendan has gone bug-eyed

After setting out the food trap...look what they found!

Awesome group picture!

Brendan setting up his ant colony 

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