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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Family Meeting

After another fun day of bath remodel, we ended the day with a family meeting.  We used to do these meetings weekly but somehow they dwindled down to...well...none!  I knew we needed to get back on track so just decided with all the many changes that will be taking place in the next few weeks we should do it!

But update on the ongoing bathroom remodel!  Michael and I woke up early this the sound of the phone ringing...the A/C man wanted to know the problem we were having so he could plan his day.  After last night...I was worn out and not fully coherent at the time.  I am not sure if I made sense but he scheduled a time to come out to the house.  It did get me out of bed and we began the fun of cutting and laying tile for the counter.  We spent most of the morning with this and will probably have tomorrow also.

Really this job should not take so long but Michael is taking a class to get a certification, so I was winging it alone, with the occasional help when Michael got a break.  Oh...and of course my little helper on my hip!

I did manage to get a few small details crossed off the list, so it was a productive day in the end.  We also have all the tiles cut so tomorrow should go quickly.  If all goes well, we will have the tile grouted by the evening and Wednesday morning we can finish it up.  It is amazing how this counter continues to evolve into a unique yet fitting space.  I look forward to seeing the completion (in more ways than one!)

And, the A/C guy did come...odd that both units have gone out at the same time.  The upstairs unit was an easy fix.  However, the downstairs is going to take a little more effort.  Thankfully, we have a warranty that covers the cost.  AND...the downstairs unit is only used to reduce the humidity as the area downstairs stays at an even temperature for the most part even without the A/C.

As for the family meeting...this time we discussed such amazing things as...

  • Respect
  • Authority
  • Manners
  • Patience 


  • Flexibility

All of these being the important aspects in life that will help us as we make it through these next few weeks.  As the main thing that we ended the conversation with was the need for family unity and assistance from everyone to make it all work!

And, as always...a family that prays together...stays we began and ended with family prayer.

The boys were sent upstairs as the girls and I discussed the car/truck hunting options and then they were off to bed as well.  We have a momentous day tomorrow that I will post about by the end of the day as I can.

AND...the big moment came tonight when we were least expecting it!  Zaira heard that Michael was going upstairs to sing a lullaby and she walked (or was it a run?) into Michael's arms!  And to make it even sweeter, she then walked back to me!  Of course this got us all excited and everyone was begging her to walk to them.  She did take a few more walks to each of us and it wore her out but she had a smile on her face throughout the experience.  I think we might soon have a toddler in our home!  Watch out world!

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