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Friday, March 26, 2021

One More Off the Bucket List...

Well...I suppose it was never really on my bucket list...BUT, I am glad to have this surgery behind me.  Scratched off and I hope I never need to do that again.  

Really, the entire process and procedure was not too bad.  I just hope I never have any more brain tumors so this surgery is needed again.  I guess I will find out every two months until the doctors are satisfied.  That is what they are telling me now that I completed the surgery and I am awake in the recovery room.

So this morning I made it out the door and to the hospital right on schedule.  I was taken back for the surgery prep and into the specialized MRI room just as I was told.  I met all the surgery crew and we had a good laugh about various topics as I drifted into a light slumber. 

The way this procedure works I am supposed to not be fully sedated because I must be able to move from one flat surface to another throughout the procedure.  Also, I have a "lantern" placed upon my head (NOT the contraption I showed in yesterday's blog post!), which is quite heavy and I must keep my head upright at all times.  The anesthesiologist brings me in and out of consciousness as needed to maneuver the process.  First in the prep room...then a basic MRI of the brain to assure they can see the tumors have not grown or more have popped up (different room)...then back to the prep room so they can discuss what they will do...then back to another MRI room with the specialized equipment...then the prep room to verify they did everything...YAY! no return visit to the Gamma Knife this time...then to recovery room...then the discharge/more recovery room...then I was out of there!!!  If I was moved more often than those times, I was too out of it to care.  

Each transfer meant moving from gurney to "slab" (this is what I call the flat surface...thankfully not cold), so I had to scooch this way or that way to make this happen and be aligned properly on the slab.  I am not was just funny to be woken from my crazy thoughts to be told to move again.  I tried praying but I am guessing my guardian angel had to take over for me a lot this morning!  

The anesthesiologist must have done a good job the last round because I do not remember a thing!  Once I got to the recovery room, I no longer had the lantern on my head.  However, it still felt like it was there, so when the coordinator (Heather) asked how I was feeling I laughed.  I told her I felt heavy!  She told me that was a strange response and I told her I am not one to give standard answers.  Ha ha!  She told me that it was best to just lay back and relax, so I agreed and had a nice little nap before I was moved to the discharge room.     

All my concerns about the surgery were for the most part nonexistent.   I will say that the "bolts" placed in my head to hold the lantern in place were painful when put in place.  Also, it jarred me so much that my jawbone rattled and I thought I was at the dentist for a root canal instead of brain surgery.  Then all the procedure happened and the only concern was keeping my head upright. more concern....I asked Heather what my recovery would be like after the surgery.  She told me I would be groggy today and I should rest.  Tomorrow I should be able to return to normal activity.  Are you sure I can return to all normal activity?  Yes!  So, I can drive tomorrow?  Yes, if you feel like driving.  ALL normal activity?  Yes.  GOOD!!!  I have a retreat to facilitate in the morning and I do not want to miss it!  YAY!  I am good to go!  <<WINK>>  I bet some of you thought I was going to try to go geocaching!  I am not that silly!  Or am I?   Only time will tell.  Ha ha!!

Now I have a cool bandage on my head to cover the four bolt imprints.  I am home and have a major headache.  Little Miss was a little concerned when she saw blood on the bandage at one of the bolt locations.  Of course, this was in the back of my head so I then started hollering for my momma.  She laughed and told me it had been like that when I left the hospital...nothing to worry about unless it bleeds again (which it has not done).  I had a small bout with nausea but I am good now.    

Funny side case it has not been funny enough...when I got home, I told the crew that I was going to lock myself in the bedroom and go to sleep.  But, I wanted to make sure if I needed help they could get to me so I left my keys in the door.  Ha ha!  The crew left me alone and did not unlock the door.  I got to rest for a few hours.  No sooner had I got up to go to the bathroom, my mom comes in to check on me and I am nowhere to be found!  Well...I could not go too far without getting past someone!  I was found okay and back into bed I went!  

Serious side note...yesterday I was really not feeling well.  I had severe pain in my kidney and overall not feeling well.  I had gone to the doctor and had hydration but still came home with the pain in my kidney area.  So, I tried to go to sleep to be rested for the surgery.  In the night, I woke up drenched in sweat.  I thought that was a little strange because I have not had that happen since I started chemo last summer.  I knew I did not have a fever.  All I can tell pain in my kidney area was gone!  I wish I could say the pain did not return again, but it did this afternoon.  I guess I was not meant to have kidney issues while I was in the surgery today.  

As you can see, I dealt with this experience much like all the others.  Although I was nervous, I let the professionals take the wheel and guide this roller coaster through the twists and turns.  The doctors assure me that everything went as planned.  I was able to walk out (once the nurse got the wheelchair to the front door!).  I am thankful for all of those who kept me in their prayers.  I know God was with me through this experience too.  A big thank you to Brenda for the meal, so we all had one less thing to worry over.  Such a yummy veggie meal!  

God is good!


  1. Hugs! I'm so glad you're allowing us to be part of this chapter in your life. Thank you!

  2. Wow. The crazy, unpredictable journey continues. Love you! Pray for you!
