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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Planning for My Good Days

 January 14 (Thursday)...

I might seem a little manic for anyone who has been reading my updates here and my regular posts on Facebook. I talk about all my aches & pains and side effects, which are very real and intense. However, anyone who knows me, you know I cannot sit still for long. When I am done with side effects, I am already thinking about what I can do when I am feeling better. 

So, last week I was feeling bad from the chemo regimen, but I was already planning what I would do when I was better. This time it meant going on a little road trip. I had promised our Tiger that I would help him complete his 254 challenge (1 cache in all 254 counties of Texas). We actually planned this trip for the fall but it just was not possible. Then we planned to make it happen before the end of 2020 and still did not happen. So I was determined to not delay again. 

The problem was that, although my typical side effects subsided quickly after the chemo was completed, I was having a new issue. My pain in my neck was becoming more severe. I now also add to the pain at my sternum area. I spoke with Dr. Drengler about this issue earlier last week and he said we would watch it close. To me that meant he wanted to wait until the scheduled body scans we planned for February. So instead of calling him again at the end of the week, I decided to take the road trip. 

Imagine my surprise when my friend, Nancy, called Saturday and asked if I had seen the weather forecast. I knew it was going to be cold. I did not know it was supposed to snow. However, I must be just sick enough to move forward with our plans. Of course, the crew was overjoyed at the thought of playing in snow. 

So Sunday, we were off in a hurry. And we arrived in Abilene just as the snow was starting to slow down. If you have not been to downtown Abilene, then you are missing out on a storybook wonderland!  Add snow to the mix, and even this snow hater was having an amazing time in the fresh blanket if snow layered on our favorite characters...from nursery rhyme to Dr. Seuss to modern day tales...we had so much fun!!!

As long as I did not strain myself or lift anything or make any tight turns with the vehicle, I was able to “pretend” there was nothing wrong. And I tried very hard to not make a big deal a out my pain with the children. Let them enjoy their winter wonderland!!!

The next day we zoomed around North Texas to find a cache in the remaining 11 counties for Tiger. We finished just as the sun was setting in Wichita Falls before heading south to a hotel closer to home. This second day of the road trip was so easy!  Most places had already had the snow melted. We had a beautiful day to enjoy the outdoor excursion. Yes, I still hurt but as ling as I did not stop to think about it, we were good!

We made it home mid afternoon on Tuesday exhausted but feeling proud of accomplishing the goal we set out to complete. 

I suppose I could have called Dr. Drengler yesterday but I already had a scheduled visit with him today. With my pre-screening questions, I told the nurse about the increase of pain. So when Dr. Drengler came in, he wasted no time. My planned round of chemo is postponed and new bone scans will happen as soon as possible. He was very concerned and wants no delay. 

So this is where I am on the roller coaster ride. I pray that this just a minor set back. God is good. So ride along my crazy ride of ups and downs!  Enjoy life!  Stress and worry are not a choice!  I fully trust in God’s plan!

Vicky Plowden Craig
Praying that the Lord will give you healing, and so glad you could enjoy this adventure with your wonderful children. Love, love, love to you.

Angie Fischer Artho
So glad you got to enjoy the snow! (well at least your kids did!) Continued prayers for healing and comfort for you.

Rita Fernandes
So glad you were able to take the trip with your family. Continued prayers for your healing.Kimberly, Janine and two other friends are praying the St. Perigrine novena for your healing

Rita Chapa Maspero
Continued prayers.

Lucy Spade

Rita Calderon
Uniting my prayers with yours

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You amaze me! My children would love for me to be adventurous like that and take them out on a fun great excursion. Even in pain you still make it possible! Your an inspiration!
