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Thursday, December 3, 2020

An Embarrassing Situation

December 3 (Thursday) ...

Oh my prayer warriors!  I was so embarrassed last night.

I had had such a good day. I was home enjoying being able to work on our Advent activities. Also having children finish school for the week. My plan is to surprise when we are done and let them know they have a month off from school to enjoy the various feast days throughout this month and into the new year. So I was busy but not exerting myself physically. 

What I failed to mention in my update yesterday was I had one more new medication to add to my mix. To be quite honest, I forgot about it. I was looking at my calendar yesterday afternoon for another reason, when I realized I was supposed to take it on an empty stomach. So I figured out a time to take it. Then ate an hour later so I could take my other medication an hour after eating. So crazy to me, but I got the job done. I really have a hard time taking pills so I was glad to have it completed for the day. 

So our new parish, as we try to form community within a social distance world, has a weekly Zoom meeting. I sat down in my sun room and all was quiet in the house for a change. We were having a nice zoom chat with our small group. However, about 30 minutes into the meeting, I started feeling tired. Then I started feeling nauseous. I still thought I could make it to the end of the meeting. 

Nope!  I am so silly... I grabbed up the phone and started running to the nearest sink. I don’t know why I did not just leave the meeting!  I think I wanted to say goodbye to the group first. Well I am not sure what they heard, but before I could hit the “leave” button, I threw up all over my phone!  Let’s just say I threw up over everything!  It was not a pretty sight!  I did manage to leave the meeting before it got too bad. Oh my!

My poor Tornado Teen!!  He was asleep in the living room when all this happened. Michael was gone with our Little Miss and Tiger. So Tornado Teen was awakened to me being sick, but did a great job of helping me. He cleaned the area and got my Mom. 

What could they do?  I don’t know about you, but I am not a hold my hand through it kinda gal!  So they worried themselves over me from a distance. I remained sick like this for several hours. They begged me to take nausea medicine but I was way beyond that helping. 

Michael and the crew prayed for me during evening prayers. I was glad to hear them with the Advent prayers and readings. I wanted to join them but any sudden movement and I was sick again. They were so sweet to give me hugs and then off to bed without question. 

I finally was able to settle enough to take a dissoluble nausea pill. I then slept through the night without issue. 

My dear prayer warriors, now I am awake obviously dehydrated. But worse, I have to do this all again today. The thought of food is somewhat less than appealing, but I have to eat to take the first medication. I also have my radiation today. The medication that seems to make me so sick is for the evening. However, I am already dreading that one. 

I am hoping to talk to doctor when I go in today. I don’t even no if he will be available. Maybe even talking to nurse will help decide what to do next. 

I keep telling myself to just offer these sufferings for something greater than myself. I pray for the strength needed to continue on as I need to during this treatment. I ask that you pray for this as well. I know that God is with me. While I listened to my family pray last night, we placed the shelter for our nativity scene to begin the preparation for the Christ Child. The word “shelter” stuck with me even while I was sick. And this morning, I looked up the word wondering if there was a Bible verse associated to it. Oh yes!   

“God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence. There is a river that brings joy to the city of God, to the sacred house of the Most High. God is in that city, and it will never be destroyed; at early dawn he will come to its aid.” Psalm 46:1-5

So my guess is that God can handle a humble soul like mine to give me strength in my illness. I know that I was happy to have this morning devotional to help me in the right direction...Dr. Gray Shelter Moment.  What a great way to remind me that God is with me...notice the theme of "shelter" even this morning to remind me to trust!

Please storm heaven with me today for God to give me that strength through this round of treatment!  God bless you all!


Rose Bixby

Extra hugs for the tornado teen! I hope you are able to talk it out with the Dr./nurse today & I hope the radiation goes easy xoxo

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