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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

All Dressed Up for Alice

A break from moving was just what the doctor ordered...or at least this Momma ordered.  When I first realized the two dates would converge...I was horrified and thought we could never make it work...and although I still had my doubts all the way up until the time we finished loading the truck...I now know it was the best thing we could have ever done!

We learned about three months ago that there would an Alice in Wonderland play at the local community college.  This was right about the same time we were creating our costumes for the Hushpuppy contest (see past post for details!) so the children though it would be fun to save their costumes for a second appearance of their all time favorite characters!  At that time we never imagined that the play would be on the same day we were packing it up to move to San Antonio!

As you all know by now, we packed the truck in record time...thanks to our dear friends!...we even had time to enjoy a meal together...then as soon as the last of our guests (minus Francis and Ross who wanted to see everyone in costume!) were back in their vehicles and down our drive way...the children made a mad rush to change for the play.  There were a few changes to costumes for various worked for the day...and in some cases surprisingly so...and then we were on our way to Wonderland!

We arrived just in time to wait in line to enter the theater.  We are convinced that some of those waiting with us thought we were the actors!  In fact, several asked if they could have their picture taken with us...we agreed and had a lot of fun!  Then we entered the theater and a man asked if he could take our picture because he thought our costumes were cool!  We would later find out he was the play director!  And then the theater manager took our picture as well.  SO much fun...and if I even feared fora minute the children were getting prideful...they told me that the most fun of the experience was seeing everyone so excited and smiling!  They enjoyed making others in the audience happy!

Our little Alice did the right thing by taking a nap when we were on our way to the play and continued to have her own little dream sequence while we waited to enter the theater.  She missed all the hoopla of picture taking but we could not resist taking a few of her any way.

Then the play began!  It was an amazing rendition of the story!  They really worked hard to keep the spirit of the story but still make it their own!  Awesome job!  The cast was amazing!  The set was awesome!  And we went away to Wonderland with them...escaping from the weariness of the moving for a couple of hours!

After the play, we also had the joy of meeting the cast...who loved the costume...we all agreed that pictures were in order!  The director shared his contact information so we could exchange pictures.  It was just an amazingly fun break for us!  Can I say amazing and awesome enough times in one post!?!

The children especially loved the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts.  It was hard to believe the queen was a puppet!  I personally like the way the clock showed Alice falling into the rabbit hole...very clever!  And during the question and answer time it was brought our attention that love of books was the main theme of the set.  The backdrop as well as the main entry for all the characters into the story was a book shelf.  The director was clever...he used the titles of the books to tell part of the story.  For example, the book that opened the door for Alice to fall into the rabbit hole was entitled...Journey to the Center of the Earth and the caterpillar was introduced by opening The Insect Book.  The director later told us that he wanted to stay true to the idea that the story was actually a book that we could all enjoy and he wanted to encourage the love of reading!

Also, I have to say...Zaira lit up seeing Humpty Dumpty...she just could not stop giggling with joy and then watched worriedly as he teetered and tottered on the wall...imagine her surprise and concern when he did in fact fall!  I think she was very thankful to see him intact at the end of the play!

I wish we could have stayed longer BUT...alas...we could not stay down the rabbit hole forever...we had to awaken from the dream and get back to the order of the day.  Thankfully... said the children...not back to lessons!

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