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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Search for a Van

So....a few days ago I spoke about the search for a job.  Today, I thought I would share our search for a van.  A few months ago, I began having this idea that we needed a bigger vehicle.  Not for more seats but for more room and easier access to seats.  The more we looked at options...the more we realized the only real choice was a big passenger van.  We were not in any real hurry and figured it would happen when it needed to happen.

We were going to join the BIG VAN CLUB (as our friends call it) but we were not in a big rush to take the plunge.  We had talked to many families about all the pros and cons.  IT was most likely going to happen and the children were all excited trying to think of ways to make a van unique for our painting it all colors of the rainbow...creating a big magnet for the side...naming the vehicle (we name all our cars!), etc.

About a month ago, it became a little more urgent as we began looking at needing new tires (way to expensive to spend on a vehicle we would trade) and other minor expenses as well as wear and tear.  We had come to a point in our loan for 'old' family vehicle that we could break even, so we began our search in a more earnest effort.

Our plan was to work with our local dealer.  However, yesterday afternoon while taking care of banking business, we were given an offer that we did not think we could turn down.  Unfortunately, it was located almost to Austin and we needed to beat the clock and get there quick.  The dealer PROMISED he would hold the vehicle for us until this afternoon.  Never trust a used car salesman (No offense to those who might be used car salesmen...I really hold no grudge against you!)

We woke up at the children into the car by 6am and were half way to Austin by 8am (Michael drives way too fast!) when we decided to call the dealer.  He told us the vehicle was ready for us and on hold as mentioned yesterday....then called us back 10 minutes later to tell us that it was not on the lot and must have been sold.  When Michael questioned him on it, he told us that we should have called earlier, but did offer to pay for our gas.  We were annoyed and I told Michael that we should just pull over and think it through as to our next step.  Just as we were trying to get back on the road to head home, we got a call back...the van had just been moved and was still available.  So off we were once again for Austin.

To make a long story short...we got the van...used but in good condition.  We happily drove home in our big white whale (Michael wants to name it Moby Dick!) and happy to have the space.

We still have not determined a name...many ideas thrown around...

Dragon Fire Tongue (Brendan)
Golden Heart
Van o'White
Pot of Gold (The boys want to paint it gold to go with our school theme...Reynbow School of Lifelong Learning)
Reynbow Wagon
Royal Carriage

Any other ideas?  We are open to suggestions!

Our friend gave us several ideas to add to the van as well...

Side step (it is a long way up/down)
Rear-view Camera (to help with backing out)
Baskets to store supplies (items tend to go from one end of van to the other easily)

We look forward to the many adventures in this new van.  Road trips are a must before it is officially broken in for our family.  We are so thankful for this blessing!

SIDE NOTE:  While we were driving back and forth from Austin, Amanda was starting her new "dream job" at the dress shop.  She loved her first day and is already being asked to take on big responsibilities.  I will tell more about this over the weekend.  Too tired tonight to go into details and this post is too long.

1 comment:

  1. I like Michael's Moby Dick, but then there is Reynbow Wagon...a Reynbow of personalities combined to carry one brilliant family to and fro on multiple adventures. :)
