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Friday, February 20, 2015

A Close Call

When we journey into Lent, it is not hard to ponder death.  The ultimate end to our Lenten journey is, after all, the death of the Savior.  However, how many of us actually ponder our own end during this time?

This morning I woke up concerned about my family.  The older boys were going to an ice skating event for the local teens.  I just felt this foreboding that one of them was going to be hurt.  However, we made it through the experience without incident.  And I was relieved.

We then rushed home for a quick bite to eat before heading out again.  That awful feeling still in the back of my mind.  I brushed it off as just a tired feeling from the rush of the day.  We were heading to a fun night at the botanical gardens.  We were to run around with our flashlights and learn about plants and animals related to night.  In fact, Sean was meeting up with some of his 4H friends to set up an insect booth.

We arrived early and help SEan get situated.  We were in a prefect enclosed area for the younger ones to explore within view.  We were even close to the bathrooms!  What a great deal!

Then I heard Brendan crying out, "She fell in the water?"  There was a small lily pond no bigger than a garden tub in the area.  I really had not though much of it because it was not that big.  Even as I ran over to it, I was thinking...what a mess we are going to have!  I can honestly tell you that I was more annoyed than anything else...UNTIL I arrived and saw her just sinking out of sight!

It was all so was not real!  All I saw was her little face going deeper into the water.  Then my next thought was...why is she not standing up?  It was not deep but I can only imagine that she was confused.

All of this in just a split second...and then I reached in and pulled her out by the foot!  I literally grabbed her foot and pulled her up in the air before placing her down on the ground.  I am not a strong woman and even though Zaira is not that large...I do not think I could have picked her up the way I did without outward strength.  I just wanted her out of that water!

I was so thankful to hear her choking cough and gasp for air!  I grabbed her into my arms and was so thankful she was OK.  Then I grabbed up Brendan also and thanked him for calling me so quickly.

A close call...just like that it happened!  I am so thankful it was over as quickly.

Life is reminder of how life can be taken so suddenly.  I thank her guardian angels for protecting her from what could have been.

We did continue with the events of the day...feel free to read about it on Sean's blog later this weekend.  Michael arrived some time after and he took the children around the event as well.  Maybe I can get him to guest blog about this.  I just stayed in a daze the rest of the night.  I helped at the booth as needed and pondered this gift of life that we have been given.  No pictures obviously but as any mother can tell...the picture in my mind will long be remembered.

Also not much done on my little saint doll project, although they do seem to be multiplying around my desk.

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