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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Top 5 Extra Activities This Week

So, this last week was busy with all our activities.  Here are the top five events that I did not blog about:

5.  We got Brendan into the periodontist to schedule his root canals.  He is a trooper as he actually loves going to the dentist (not my son in this regard!).  We just hope that he likes the dentist after the actual work is done in October.  I am a little concerned about this because Michael will already be back to work and I will need to do this solo.  NOT FUN!!!  We are already praying that the first appointment goes well, as he will need to go through this twice before he is done.  The older boys liked this dentist also because there was a touch screen computer in the waiting room.

4.  Michael and the boys did actually get back to the zoo on Saturday to see the new lion cub.  They enjoyed the experience even with the crowds of people who arrived to view along with them.  One other cool thing about the zoo trip was they learned about a baby sloth born that morning!  Maybe we can make it back to the zoo one more time before Michael leaves so they can see this baby also.

3.  We were able to FINALLY get all the thank cards (current gifts for Zaira) and birth announcements addressed today.  Maybe we will actually get to the post office sometime this next week to mail them off.  I also have some packages to mail that are WAY OVERDUE!  So I am very determined to make this happen.  Hoping the time does not get away from me again this week.

2.  Michael and I were given the privilege to read the Mass readings for the day.  I read from the lectionary frequently and feel so blessed when I do this.  Michael rarely has this opportunity.  So, for both of us to read on the same day was a double blessing!  I mentioned the readings were perfect lessons related to baptism in my blog yesterday.

  • The first reading was from Deuteronomy 4: 1-8...which attests to the great nation given the commandments from a wise God.  I thought it was great that Fr. Paul talked about how we should not mess up a good thing by going against God's commandments.  We make God look bad by not remaining the nation deserving of these commandments.  
  • The Psalm sung at Mass was from Psalm 15..."One who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord."  Staying with the theme of keeping the commandments, we can see that staying connected with God can only happen if we keep his commandments.
  • The second reading was from James 1: 1-27 (the first of 5 readings over the next few weeks).  This is one of my favorite books in the New Testament.  This particular passage is about receiving the blessing God has given us in his commandments.  The verse often noted from James, "Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves." is one of my favorites...going along with the idea that in following God's commandments there can not just be lip service.   Also, an awesome definition of religion is noted, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this:  to care for orphans and widows in their affliction
  • and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  This is the best tie into the baptism of the readings.  Our goal in life is to remain unstained by this world in order to remain with God in heaven for eternity.  Also, church buildings are not important as we are to go out into the world and help others.
  • The gospel reading was from Mark 7:1-23 when Jesus calls out the hypocrites who perform acts of unrighteous cleansing.  We are to follow God's commandments and not man made laws.  Even following God's commandments should be done from the heart and not for show.

1.  This was hard to put as number one (seeing the toss up with number 2).  However, considering how Michael finishing his rough draft paper affects all of us in the house, I had to place it as number one.  As I mentioned in my first post, Michael is trying to finish his masters.  Finishing this course will put him at the half way point.  Besides, having this paper over his head has made him grouchy, which I understand completely.  He just needed to turn in his rough draft today.  He has three more weeks to tweak it and turn in the finished product.  Much relief in the house tonight when he hit the send button.

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