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Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day!

So, for Labor Day, what did we do?  Slept in until 9am, ate a late breakfast and had a quiet day of relaxation.  I did have the boys take a redo spelling test from last week, but that was the extent of our work for the day.

We met our friend, Sam, at the local VFW for a BBQ dinner.  It is always nice to support the VFW because they do so much for the community.

Then we made our way to the mall (I hate the mall!) to look for a suit for Edward.  We started at Sear's bt ended up at JC Penney's for a three-piece suit that we both liked.  Edward is a hard shopper...only the best for him.  However, I did not want to spend a lot of money because I know he won't be wearing very often before growing out of it.  I did let him have the final say after choosing from our price range, so I think he feels good about it.  It was a special mother-son experience.

We followed that with a trip to Marble Slab!  This was something we have been trying to make happen for over a month.  I am so glad it all worked out to get there today.  Everyone got their favorites...from root beer floats to orange sorbet.  We all left happy!

We ended the day with a movie and popcorn at home.  If you have never seen 'Faith Like Potatoes,' it is a must see.  The movie is about a man in South Africa who gave himself to Jesus and was then called to witness to others.  He decided to take a leap of faith during a drought and grow potatoes.  All about placing your hope in God....and based on a true story.

I am so glad we were able to enjoy this day together.  Back to the grind tomorrow!

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