This already blessed day was made even more special by Edward's confirmation. What is Confirmation? "Christian initiation is accomplished by three sacraments together: Baptism which is the beginning of new life;
Confirmation which is its strengthening; and the Eucharist which nourishes the disciple with Christ's Body and Blood for his transformation in Christ. " (CCC 1275) The explanation when I was young was that Confirmation made us adults in the Church. However, what is really happening is the Holy Spirit enters into our souls to place a indelible mark (irremovable) that gives us the strength (through the gifts of the Spirit-wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord) to defend the faith at all costs. Our bishop saw the importance of this strength and its need BEFORE the children receive the Eucharist. So, today Edward will first be confirmed and then receive the precious Body and Blood for the first time! The graces of God will surely be flowing through him today!
For Edward, he had prepared for over two years for this sacrament. Our parish church had a Confirmation set up last March for our two little confirmands. We would have had a nice personal ceremony for them both. However, Michael was unable to be there because of work in Afghanistan, so the decision was made to wait until he got back. This was a hard decision but Edward really wanted Michael to be present for this special occasion. I fretted over the decision over the last few months...why do we do this to ourselves? I should know by now that God has the plan! He knew how this was going to work out and there was no reason to worry! This day could not have been more special!
We began the afternoon leisurely getting everyone ready for Mass. Not always an easy feat with four boys and a newborn! We had everyone's clothes set out and ready so it made it all easy. Edward was ready in his nice three piece suit and then we got the others dressed. Everything was going as planned.
However, Brendan took one look at Edward and said, "I want to wear a tie also!" My theory is when a boy says he wants to wear a tie...DO NOT REFUSE HIM!!! LOL! After all, we don't want them to grow up thinking they can be bums right? So, once this started they all wanted to wear ties and get really dressed up. We do get dressed up nice for church each week but not to this extent so it took some doing...we had to hunt down dress shirts that would be appropriate for a tie. But, after a little bit of a search we made it happen! Thank you, Lord! We even made it out the door at the time we planned!
We arrived at the church an hour early, as we were told seating might be difficult for the larger families. The arrangement was for Michael and Edward to sit on the pew closest to the altar. There would be one other child with her sponsor. The rest of us (including the other child's family!) would be at the other end of the pew. Since I had no idea how Zaira and Brendan would be in a long service, I chose to sit on the other end of the pew. We all got settled in our spots (remember we are early and there are not a lot of people there yet) and I look over to see Brendan sitting with Edward, hands folded in prayer and looking so sweet! He told us that he was going to be confirmed also! Michael tried to explain to him that he was not ready, but I told him to let Brendan stay. It would be a good experience for him to see the Mass up close. What could be the harm? Maybe he would be the youngest confirmand of the day!
Because our Bishop was transferred to another diocese, we have a priest (actually one for each deanery) who has been given the special privilege to celebrate Confirmation in our diocese. We were blessed to have Monsignor Stickland preside over this Mass. I say that because he is so personable (especially with the youth) but also because I grew up with him! It is always nice to have a special connection with the celebrant of a sacrament!
Once again , the readings for Mass this weekend were perfect for the celebration of the sacraments. The first reading was from Isaiah 35:4-7. He speaks about a prophecy that Jesus will heal the sick, and to be strong, fear not. We too must remember to be open to healing of sin and fear not. One of the effects of Confirmation is to be given the strength to live a Christian life. The Psalm 146...Praise the Lord, my soul! just another sign of Confirmation as we go deep within us to find an inner peace with God. The second reading from James 2:1-5 asks us to not doubt that God will call all of us to Him..."Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?" Then the Gospel fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah as Jesus tells the deaf man to be open (Mark 7:31-37). We to must listen to Jesus and be open to His teachings.
For those of you who have never been to a Confirmation, before a youth can be confirmed they must know their faith (Bible, Catechism, Church history) after months of study. They are interviewed by various church leaders to show their knowledge. The day of their Confirmation this last effort to 'test' their knowledge comes with the meeting of the celebrant (again usually a bishop). And, during the Mass a few questions are given during the homily before the sacrament. This is really more of a public witness of their knowledge as the questions are addressed to all who will be confirmed.
The last couple of weeks the adults in charge have been a little concerned about Edward because he was going to be in a large group of youth he did not know. What if he was chosen among the group to answer a question? Would he be to embarrassed or shy to answer a question? I must admit...I did not know how he would react.
So, the moment arrived, and Monsignor Strickland decided to ask a surprise question of the group! He asked, "Who was St. Patrick?" As I said, he is very personable and was walking through the pews, calling the youth by name (they all had on name tags) and making connections with them as much as possible. So when he asked this 'surprise' question, it should have been in a comfortable setting (We were at St. Patrick's church after all!). However, I think the group of confirmands were caught off guard. No one seemed to want to answer this first question! Until Edward's little hand went up there was silence in the building. I thought he gave a great answer (no parent bias, right?)...he said, "St Patrick spoke for God to the people in
Ireland." The priest squirming in his seat at the altar, looked at Michael and whispered a thank you. I think he was afraid they would look bad if they could not respond to a question about the parish saint! LOL! This got the others going and a few more questions were answered with ease...Edward even hollered out an answer regarding the number of sacraments (seven)...before Monsignor Strickland went on with his homily. (Michael later told me he had to stop Edward from answering the other questions! And Edward said he was mad at Michael because he knew all the answers. LOL)
Then the most wonderful thing happened. I really felt like our family was pulled away from the group in some way. Like we were in our own little parish away from this large assembly. Monsignor Strickland came over to Edward and said the following words:
"Edward, you have been called to a special service for God. We don't know what that calling is going to be...maybe you will be a priest or a great father...a businessman who will do great things for the many people...or maybe a politician...We will be praying for you! God has that calling determined and He will let you know when He is ready."
It was a special moment that will not be forgotten. The ceremony continued with the three parts of the sacrament of Confirmation. First, the entire assembly renewed their baptismal promises of belief. We were asked to profess our faith in one God, in Jesus as our savior, and in the Holy Spirit. Then Monsignor Strickland (along with the two priests) outstretched their hands to the group for the imposition of the hands for the reception of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 6:1-2). I took a picture of Edward at this time because I wanted to see how he reacted at this moment. I think it is an interesting moment captured even though the picture is seems to show that there was a movement going through Edward at that time.
The final action of the sacrament is to be sealed by the Holy Spirit by the celebrant anointing each confirmand with holy chrism oil. Edward was accompanied by Michael to stand before Monsignor Strickland. They are asked to choose a saint (a person who led a holy life) who they wish to emulate. The saint is announced as a way to show that the confirmand has the Holy Spirit. By giving a confirmand a saint name, they have an example of someone who has led a virtuous life.
Edward chose St. Francis as his patron saint. He said he thought he and St Francis were alike because they both liked animals and nature. The priest at St. Patrick's told Edward that he chose well (hint...this is the priest's first name!). I think he did also because he really thought about his saint and had a reason for his choice. I think that Edward will find many other reasons for learning about the life of St. Francis. There are many sides of St. Francis to discover.
When Edward came back to our pew, he looked so happy and blessed! I love being present at sacraments. The grace present is so amazing and evident in the faces of those receiving the grace. I cannot help but believe that there are graces in abundance for all who attend the sacrament.
Then the Mass continued into the normal flow....leading up to the moment of communion. Once again Edward would make his way to the altar for this new grace in his life. He would receive the Body and Blood of Jesus for the first time.
Eucharist...meaning the greatest joy that is hidden in the appearance of bread and wine. We, as Catholics, believe we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus at the time of communion at Mass. Communion...communicating with the the moment when Christ enters into our body and we are in union with His will. We are united as one Body in Christ along with all of those who partake along side us and throughout the world. Now Edward can also be a part of this united movement to spread the message of God with the nourishment given to us by Jesus (John 6).
Mass ended and more pictures were taken. We even found a friend, Stefanie, to take a picture of the family together. We asked Monsignor Strickland if he would take a picture with Edward. He was pleased to be asked. He even told Edward that he knew me when we were young. He also told Edward that their middle names were the same. Edward liked that and said his name was Edward Joseph...Monsignor Strickland smiled and said that was funny because his name was Joseph Edward! Now Edward had an even closer connection with Monsignor Strickland!
I know this post is long but I have to tell you about the dinner we had after Mass. Edward got to choose the restaurant. He chose Logan's Roadhouse. As we gathered together around the table, he said he really wished Amanda could be with us. I told him that she was with us in spirit and I am sure she was thinking about him on his special day. Then our waitress came over and introduced herself...Amanda! I told Edward that God wanted him to know that Amanda was with us! God has such a good sense of humor. She turned out to be such a great waitress too...she took good care of us as we enjoyed our celebration.
Edward was given several gifts last night. A beautiful cross from our friend Lyndia. We were so glad she was able to come to Mass and celebrate this with us. Then a very special cross from is shaped like a butterfly with a cross in the middle. It comes with a story as well. Also, if you turn the butterfly to the side, you can see the outline of a baby (Jesus) in a manger! I also gave him a special gift that I purchased when I was in Rome. It is a rosary purchased from the Vatican. I had it blessed by the Pope and took around with me to all the holy places I visited. Edward thought it was nice but I hope he will appreciate it more when he is older.
We also looked over to see a good friend of ours from our 4H group! He had not seen us in a while so it was nice to show off our new addition and talk to him about the day.
We got home quite late and even Brendan was tired again by the time we got home (thankfully...since he had taken such a long nap!). So blessed to enjoy this day with Edward. May God continue to bless him as he defends the faith throughout his life!
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