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Friday, April 30, 2021

Liver Don’t Fail Me Now!!!

Well, here we are a week later and I am still the guest blogger.

Since our last post Michelle spent the week looking forward to the surgery, hoping that it would bring her some relief from the pain and nausea. On Monday, she met with Dr. Jude and it was hoped that she would have back surgery within two weeks. They also discussed her headaches and he told her that he was concerned and would move the MRI to be completed before the back surgery.

On Tuesday Michelle got a call from the radiologist saying that they would complete a CT scan the following Monday (before beginning the next course of radiation treatments). Pain relief was on its way and Michelle was very excited that it was all going to happen so quickly.

As planned, I took her to the hospital bright and early on Thursday for the liver treatment.  She was feeling very sick but very happy to get the procedure completed so that it would bring her some relief. As soon as she got to the nurse, there was concern about her hydration. So she was given an IV fluids while waiting for surgery. Halfway through the hydration, Dr. Childers arrived to tell her that the surgery was not going to be possible.

Her bilirubin levels were too high. You might have heard that term if you have had a baby, because it is one of the first tests a baby is given to ensure the liver is functioning correctly. This is what they mean when they talk about a baby having jaundice. Elevated levels of bilirubin indicate that the liver is not functioning properly. In Michelle’s case this meant that the liver tumors were too large and we would need to find a way to reduce the masses in order for treatment to take place. Performing the procedure would be too dangerous and could cause more issues that would not help her liver.

Dr. Drengler was contacted and determined that we would need to meet again soon to discuss options. Michelle only had a planned hydration treatment planned for Friday, so Dr. Drengler agreed to meet with her outside of his clinic hours. Later that afternoon, Nurse Cindy from the treatment room called to let Michelle know that she was welcome to come in for hydration at any time of the day, which made it much easier for Michelle to come in first thing in the morning.

Mom took Michelle to the appointment and planned for her stay in the parking lot. However, Nurse Monica asked if she had been vaccinated and allowed her to come in to the appointment. Dr. Drengler said that he was very upset that the procedure could not happen the day before, but it got him to thinking of other approaches to reduce the tumors. He told Michelle that he was already working with the insurance to change the chemotherapy. He will be checking in with our insurance every day, and the day that he gets approval I will start my new treatment. Due to the bilirubin issue the back surgery has also been postponed and we will decide on Monday about the radiation treatments for her ribs.

Of course Michelle is very disappointed that her pain and nausea will continue through this waiting period. But she is very grateful for all her friends and family that are supporting her through this time. Through all this, Michelle remains confident in God’s love and protection in her life. 

Last night during family prayers, Michelle was reading from Psalm 49: “For no man can buy his own ransom, or pay a price to God for his life. The ransom of his soul is beyond him. He cannot buy life without end, nor avoid coming to the grave.” We then read from 1 Peter: “Jesus was known before the foundation of the world but revealed in the final time for you, who through him believe in God who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” 

May God bless you all abundantly!


1 comment:

  1. Continuing prayers for Michelle and all of you. Hoping and praying things turn around quickly.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
