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Friday, June 6, 2014

Who Knew Family History Could Be So Much FUN?

I told you from the beginning that I had a few stories that would not be so flattering....well you won't want to miss this one!

Our family history tour continued some days later after picking up my mother in Rapid City.  She had decided that she did not want to be in a car with all of us for 14 days.  By this time, I was starting to understand her sentiments!  Let us say that things were not always going so well.  There were eight of us in a van and we had already gone past our halfway point at this time.  I love my husband and children and had planned this trip with their interests in mind.  We were having a great time at all the stops along the way, but it was the "ON THE WAY" part that was bringing us down.  I was trying to be patient with them as I knew it was hard to be on the road.  I had lost my cool from time to time but it was going okay for the most part.
Then we got to Alliance, Nebraska!

SIDE NOTE:  For those of you who do not know.  This ENTIRE trip was planned around me getting my mother back to Alliance.  I have wanted to take this trip with her for a long time.  Hindsight tells me that I should have done it with just the two of us, but we did not.  She has not been back to Alliance in over 50 years and I really wanted her to tell her stories (several I have heard many times growing up) in the place of their origin.

I had it all planned to get in the car and record the stories as we traveled the area.  Michael and the children all knew that this was the plan.  Things started out well.  We made the hour drive from the hotel to the outskirts of Alliance.  Mom had already told some of her stories (and some were new ones I had never heard!).

Then the BIG REVEAL...we were in the downtown area where many of her stories centered and the restlessness started.  I am not sure why I did not think to have Michael take the children to the park and play.  We were right there and had even stopped to talk about the multi-colored fountain my mom loved to see as a child.  BUT...we did not make that wise choice.

THINGS GOT WORSE.  The fighting began in the back seat.  It was over something small, but it was not good for recording stories.  I tried to get them to settle down in between stories.  Michael tried also.  It was not working.  Then I lost it!...The baby was screaming...the boys were fighting...Amanda was lost in her headphones...Henry (our photographer) was not taking pictures I asked him to take!  I had HAD ENOUGH!!!!!

So...I kicked them out of the van!  The entire lot...screaming baby...fighting boys...not so helpful husband...and my aloof adult daughter...that is what I told them as I THREW THEM OUT OF THE VAN.

Mom's childhood home.
Yep...that was the worst day of the trip and the ONE DAY I wanted to be special.  I was close to tears...but then my mom and I went around to the last few spots in town and she finished telling her stories.  I began to calm down and realized the family was scattered to all corners of this small town and I would need to find them.

One by one...I found them.  However, by this time I was driving around town slowly.  In fact, at one point I was stopped at what I thought was a 4-way intersection and realized two things...I did not have a stop sign and a police officer was waiting in his cruiser at the stop sign.  I told the child outside of the van to get in quickly and we made our way down the next street.

It was then that I realized the police officer was following me.  I told my mom but she insisted I was just paranoid.

Funny...the police made the next turn with me too.  And the next...and the next!  The slow speed chase through town had begun!

By this time, I had all but two children in the van.  I told those in the van that if I was pulled over that I would cry.  My mom told me I had nothing to worry about as I was doing nothing wrong.

As I made my final turn to park and let the last two in the van, the police officer pulled in beside me.

For those who know me, you know I am not a weepy woman, but I had met my limit.

I rolled my window down, as he approached the vehicle.

PO:  Ma'am, are you having a nice day?

ME:  No!  [as I begin to cry]

MOM:  Yes!  I have not been here in 55 years and I was just telling my family stories about my childhood.

PO:  Well, ma'am.  I got a report that a big white van with a lot of people were running around town selling magazines!  I decided I better check it out.

ME:  No, sir!  We are not selling fact, we have been picking up magazines for days! [As I pull out the Nebraska travel guide from the basket by my seat.]

PO:  Well, ma'am this is a small town and I have to protect it.

My mom then decides to ask him about family who lived in Alliance.  How long had he been on the police force and if he knew her cousin (Spike) who was once the police chief.  The entire time I am just balling like a baby.

He then sent us on our way and I left Alliance behind me much as my mother did fifty years ago.  No that my mother was ever arrested, but not wanting to see the sights of it again any time soon.

As we left, I just reminded my family that I planned 3000 miles of road trip with their interests in mind.  All I asked was for five miles of the trip for myself.  I did not think that was asking too much.

And you know, I think I was justified in my anger.  But as the days went on, I felt bad that I got so upset.  I apologized and things got better.  We tried to find ways to make the ride to the next spot a little more bearable.  The rest of our trip was actually subdued compared to the first days.  I think sometimes it is best to let it go (yes the phrase as become cliche).  I needed to let go of the disappoint of not having that special time with my mom be perfect.  They needed to let go of all the hurtful things I said.  We all needed to let go of the anger that had built up in that van all those days.

And when we did let it go...we could all laugh about it together.  Although I think the others were laughing long before I was... and in the end ... mission accomplished... I got my mom's stories recorded.

But ... WAIT!... there is more family history adventure to tell...I guess I will save that for tomorrow!

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