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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Trip of Detours

Well...we are home form our vacation.  Our 3000 mile adventure eventually turned out to be almost 4000 miles, which is why I named this introductory post "The Trip of Detours."  To be truthful, I did not think we would make it back alive or in one piece, but in the end we managed to make it work.  One day, one of our children can write the screen play and make a lot of money off of our would make a great comedy for the whole family!

Notice the little people in the picture above!  Those were our special guests along the way.  Back when Michael was deployed, you might recall these guys showing up for his adventures.  Well, as we prepared to take them along for this trip, we decided to have a Lego person for each of us as well.  So, you will see both sets of people along the way.  It was fun and added to the adventure!

Michael and Michelle...
the pair that instigated this grand adventure!

Amanda...the eldest of the crew
who kept the back seat under control.
Sean...who made sure the group knew about
every insect and bird along the way,
as well as watching the map for turns missed.

Henry...our amazing photographer...
you will see his artwork throughout the coming days.
Zaira...poor thing was given a power hammer for the trip...
she is definitely our powerhouse!

Edward...I guess he thought
we needed some protection for this trip!

Gramma...she lost her hair half way through the trip...Sean let her borrow his this foreshadowing!  LOL!  She came along for five days of the trip!

The original crew enjoyed a little R&R with the family!

I tried to think of how I would divide up the posts to give the highlights.  I could have taken it one day at a time but to be quite honest I want to move on to other topics soon.  (We have a lot going on this month and next!)  So then I thought I would divide the trip by states but that would still be too long as we visited 11 states over the 14 days.  So, I decided I would break the trip up by theme.  Here are the posts to come over the next week:

  • National Parks and Memorials
  • Family History
  • Discovery Centers
  • Painted Objects
  • Unexpected Detours (AKA The Un-tourist-y Stops)
  • Little House Tour
  • and...The Upsets...just so you know it was not all rosey-posey all the time! 

In spite of ourselves, we had a great time.  I was telling my dear cousin Karen (on day 12)...yes...we had some difficult moments and we struggled with keeping our cool, but ultimately, we had a great adventure.  I would just like to remember the good times.  However, I am not ashamed to tell the really bad stuff either, just so everyone knows that life is not perfect...and because everyone should be able to humble themselves and laugh at the craziness too!

So watch out blog world...the retelling of the adventure starts tomorrow!

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