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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Two Special Heroes

I wanted to do this post a few days ago but I was called away to close on a house (another blog post I hope to write soon!)  Normally, when I miss writing a blog post, I just skim over the topic in another post or choose not to write it at all.  However, this one was a must so here I am writing a post...better late than never.

You see...about two weeks ago, two special heroes from what is known as the "Greatest Generation" passed on into eternity...I hope and pray they have met with their Creator and were found to be good and faithful servants.  I write about them here as one post to show the amazing aspects of their lives, even though they lived very different the end they were both heroes in my eyes.

First, a sweet dear lady...Miss June...once our neighbor when we moved into our second house in East Texas.  She died many miles away from her birth place of England.  She was a war bride who left everything she knew to follow a military husband back to the United States.  This in itself makes her a pretty special lady; however, the story goes on...  She also took on the role of 'single mom' as her husband would spend many years in the military away from home as she raised their children alone.  I can surely understand the frustration of those times in her life.  We would often spend time talking about the hard times that we were blessed to have as military wives.  And this could have been a time to pity our lives, Miss June was always positive and saw this life as her duty to her adopted country.

Again this could be enough to make her a hero in anyone's eyes...but there is still more to her story.  She spent many years...some of these while raising their a wheelchair....toward the end of her life bedridden...and still she held her head up high and never had a negative word to say about her situation.  She was strong on the inside, even when her body was falling apart around her!  She was devoted to her life...her family...she held them all together through many hard times!

Now...she was the hero back home...and when she passed away, there were was no parade or military salute to her service to country.  In fact, it was only by chance that I even saw her short obituary in the paper.  I am sure her funeral was only attended by a few family members and few acknowledged this woman for her bravery and strong character!  I am not even sure if her family will notice the message I left on her obituary page.  I weep for the loss of this strong woman, but I also know that she would rather I stay strong for my family to pay tribute to her dedication and example to all mothers.

Now turn to another hero of the same era...Mr. Denman...also a hero in so many ways!  He was an amazing athlete who went to A&M on scholarship but this career was interrupted by war and did his duty for our country in the Navy during WWII.  He returned home and finished his degree and came back to serve the community in several key positions in business and within the city.  He also had a great desire to give back to others.

For our family, we only met Mr. Denman a couple of times, but saw his hand in many of the endeavors in our lives.  Of course, we cannot help but acknowledge his title as veteran and service to country.  However, there was so much more!  We were glad to participate in the Young Eagles aviation program he started in our area.  All of our older children benefited from their time in the air through this youth organization.  He was also a forester at heart and loved to help the museum we considered our second home while in East Texas.  He donated his time, talent and treasure to the museum and we were happy to enjoy this part of our community.

His send off into the next life, was full of flare...I do not begrudge the community sharing in the remembrance of this man.   Their were articles in the paper...lengthy obituary as well...and TV news report.  He had the full regalia of a military funeral!  The church was filled to capacity with those who loved him.  He will be remembered and honored for many days to come.  May God bless him on his journey as a faithful servant as well.

Two not better than the other...serving different roles in this life...each given their time in this world to better themselves and others along the way.  I am glad that our family was touched by their lives.  We will remember both of these heroes for their kindness and the end through God's eyes they are equal...both loving the Lord above all else and doing what God called them to do in life.

May God bless them and their families!  May their souls rest in peace!

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