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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We're Back!

After a fun two weeks of learning about the ins and outs of San Antonio (or at least a good start), we are back at the old house trying to get it cleaned up to show fro sale.

We found out real quick that it was not going to be easy!  We arrived home mid-afternoon to find an electric pole down in the driveway.  We made it past by squeezing along side the pond and got everyone situated as I called the plethora of numbers to find the right company to report the downed line.  Normally this would not be an issue as we have a full house generator.  However, I forgot to turn the generator off before we left and the half full propane tank was wiped out after the first couple of days after the storm last week that most likely took the pole out.

Once we got through to the right company the men were out in short order and yet it still took about 7 hours to get us back out of the dark.  It does make me appreciate the electricity and also the hard work these men do for us.  I can vouch for them...they worked non-stop in the effort to help us get power.

Also the woman who helped me had a good attitude.  She told me to be thankful that we had no food in fridge and our power bill would be less this month!  Very true...good perspective.

In the mean time, we had to get creative...I was a little upset that we were not able to get the grill on to the moving truck a couple of weeks ago (my fault...I forgot to mention it to them), but it turned out to be a good thing for us.  Also, I had stopped at the store along the trip back and bought hot dogs...a easy meal to fix on the grill.  AND...most important...we had the charcoal and lighter fluid...AND Amanda thought to pack a lighter at the last minute for no apparent reason.  Are all of these things coincidence...I think not...I like to call it God sense...He knew what we would need.  All was well and the children went to sleep without to much effort with the lights out...even the girls who normally stay up until all hours of the night.

So...I was left awake to watch the progress and clean up in the candle light.  It was not exactly how I planned to start this trip but it worked!

Our 'troubles' did not end there...This morning the girls woke up early to begin their trip to my cousin (Karen) to have a fun costume making session.  That was the plan...but Amanda's car had sat without use for so long that the battery was dead.  No jumper cables so I had to head into town to find a store open.  They finally go on the road and discovered her inspection sticker was out of date.  So they had an extra stop but were still ahead of schedule due to their early start!  God sense!

Also, I discovered that the same pole that went down was also our telephone line (although still connected) and needs to be changed out.  Hopefully, we can get that taken care of before the electric company comes to take the old pole or we lose the phone line.

Now the boys are working hard to clean each room.  The plan is to clean a room and set up a small amount of furniture to show size.  When a room is complete, we will close the door and move to the next.  We hope to have it all done and live in the downstairs until we leave at the end of the month.  We will see how that works for us!

A lot to complete along with some other fun projects....I look forward to telling all about the fun as it comes up over the next few days.  Hopefully, we have had all the mishaps in the last 24 hours so we can enjoy the next few days!

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