Speaking of nature...soon after breakfast we set out for a hike through our wooded area (what the children call...Illunia). This was so much fun and such a shift from our busy pace of 'speed-schooling."
Our Bible devotional was from Matthew 15:29-37...the miracle of feeding the crowd! Oh how I wish we could have multiplied the hours we had with Karen. It was such a wonderful time. We talked...played games...toured the property...got stung by bees (well...just me but I was being silly and not following the beekeeper methods we know...not smart but I will be OK) and discovered a family treasure in a trunk in the garage (shhh...it's a surprise!)! It could not have been a more exciting time!
Our nativity scene was given a fence today. May we guard your eyes, especially during prayers from all distractions! Sweet Jesus we long to see you. Amen.
We also continued our Wednesday tradition of going to feed the hungry (college students that is). It is so good to see the college students excited about holding the baby. They all wanted pictures with her because they knew they would not see her until the end of January. So sweet...I will need to get these pictures somehow.
Jesus of Nazareth has become pretty advanced in its understanding of Scripture. The boys may not understand everything we discuss but it is never too early to expose them to higher level theological thinking. They take what they can now and it becomes easier the next time we discuss the information. Tonight we read about the Annunciation of John the Baptist which is closely tied to the Annunciation of Jesus to Mary. The idea that John the Baptist bridges the Old Testament covenant to the New Testament is fascinating and leads us right in the direction we need to follow to find God.
And...right before bed the boys set out their stockings! We do not celebrate Santa Claus on Christmas Day...this is our special way to honor the saint and keep with the message of Advent. Tomorrow is St. Nicholas' feast day...more on that tomorrow!
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