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Sunday, December 30, 2012

All About Ana

Today is the feast set aside for the Holy Family.  Although we know little about the events of those early years with Jesus, there are the hints that lead us to feel a closeness to this family.  Hopefully even a desire to be like them in some small way.  Mary was like most mothers caring for her husband and son...fretting when Jesus was lost (Luke 2:41-52) and pondering the full understanding of all these events in her heart (Luke 2:19),  While Joseph took on the role of guide and protector (Matthew :13-23), as well as provider.  And Jesus, even as a devoted son, still caused worry and stress as He went about His Father's business, and yet when he realized this burden placed on his parents, determined the need to be obedient to his earthly parents (Luke 2:51-52).

We too can see these roles in our lives and look for an example in the Holy Family when things do not go as we hope they will.  They also show us how to have the patience and strength to endure the times that seem impossible.  For Ana's family (and all the families of Newtown) that time is right now.

We chose to remember Ana (6-year-old) because it seemed that whenever we read about her, we also heard about her family.  This close knit family loved to be with each other.  In one of the last videos the family has of Ana, she is singing while her brother (Isaiah) plays the piano.  They looked so happy...God gave them the grace to not know what would happen to Ana just a few days later.  Ana loved music and I am sure the bond of her family (all of whom are musically talented) gave her the confidence to sing and dance with such beauty.  Everything was all about Ana and her family as we learned how she was loved by them and we are sure that they cannot imagine life without her.

We can only offer our heartfelt condolences to this family we do not even know except through tragedy.  However, we will try to help this family in their understanding of grief by creating a quilt for them to remember her.  The quilt we designed is all about music, dance and whimsy.  We hope that it will be a way for them to remember the blessing of her short life.  Also, in the Christian hope of everlasting life, Ana does not stop being a part of her family but looks down upon them in anticipation of the time when they will join her in Heaven.  May the soul of this sweet little girl rest in peace...and may her family remember the special time they had with her.

With the breakdown of families through divorce, single parent homes, and the assault on traditional marriage, it seems to be harder on families more than ever.  Today we had a special blessing for all families at our church.  We also made a special meal that would need the help of everyone to build unity.  It turned out well, but hoping next year we have two parents to make it a little easier to prepare (I am really looking forward to NOT playing the part of single mom in just a few days!)  We made cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes, side salad, and rye bread.  Oh so yummy!  Then we finished it off with apple pie for dessert.  We then spent the evening looking through photo albums and sharing stories about family events.

We are also so excited to have Amanda coming back from New York tomorrow...we look forward to picking her up at the airport.  The boys are beside themselves with anticipation!  Hopefully the weather cooperates.

Today was the SIXTH day of Christmas with six geese-a-laying....eggs are a symbol of life so what better way to remind us of the six days of Creation (Genesis 1).  May we never take for granted this special gift,  hug your children and spouse a little tighter today.  Give your parent a call and tel them you love them.  Try to find the good in your own life and stop and praise God for His gift of life.  We do not know when the end of this life will come to an end, but it seems t me that there is not enough time to waste on the negative....The popular phrase: "Love, laugh and live!" comes to mind...Enjoy life..enjoy your family!

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