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Saturday, December 22, 2012

O King of the Gentiles

Before racing out the door for my appointment to get my tire fixed, we had time for a quiet Bible devotion. the boys were barely awake as they had slept in.  We read the story of the visitation from Gospel of Luke (1:46-56).  We also read from Matthew 1:18-25 for the Jesse Tree ornament story.  The symbol added to our tree was a hammer representing Joseph and his faith and trust in God to become the foster-father of Jesus.

The nativity had an angel added to the scene. is a little early for the angel but since there has been an angel throughout the Advent season stories leading up to the nativity I figure it is OK to place this messenger from God near our manger.  (Also, I have a secret that will make up for this early angelic presence!  SHHHHH!)  We were asked: "Invite the angels to adore God with us. Cheerfully obey the inspirations of our guardian angels and of our conscience.  Holy Guardian Angel, never let us forget that you are with us always. Amen."

Sean, Zaira and I...not only made it to the tire store...but to the recycling center and thrift store drop off as well!  Thankfully these places were along the way!  We were back in no time from this little trip and were back to baking and candy making.

Today we made (Sorry there are not a lot of pictures today as we were so involved in the baking that the camera was far from our minds...AND...the batteries were charging anyway):

Missouri Fudge

Sugar Coated Pecans


Pecan Pie Muffins

Cowboy Candy (This is for a cheese spread we make for an appetizer before Christmas dinner...We have never made these before but the lady at the store we buy from said they were easy to this is our attempt to see if we want to make a big batch next summer when we grow our own jalapenos!  Also, this link is the only one close to our recipe so please forgive this man's colorful attempt at humor.)

And that was enough for one day!  Woo...we probably should not have put off the last recipe ...having it done last week would have been better for the full flavor to permeate the peppers AND for our sanity.  There has got to be a better way to remove the membrane from the pepper!  If anyone knows a way...PLEASE let me know...AND for those who say leave it in...well, I don't mind so much but the children are not quite ready for that heat.  Maybe we will try a pepper that does not have as much heat for them next time and keep the jalapenos for myself, along with the seeds!

We finished up in the kitchen by had turned out to be a nice day outside, so I sent the boys out to run off some of their energy.  We then created a delicious meal of pierogies and kielbasa along with sauerkraut and vegetables.  So wonderful!  By the time we got the kitchen cleaned up for the second time in a day, it was time to have our evening prayers and go to bed:

We prayed the antiphon of the day:

"Come, and deliver man, whom You formed out of the dust of the earth.  O King of the Gentiles and their desired One, the Cornerstone that makes both one; Come, and deliver man, whom You formed out of the dust of the earth.

"The crown and scepter signify Christ's universal kingship. As we sing in the fifth O Antiphon, Christ is not only the King of the Jewish nation, but the "Desired One of all," the cornerstone which unites both Jew and Gentile.

Recommended Readings: Revelation 15:1-4."

As we prayed this antiphon, I thought about Jesus sitting on his throne waiting for us to come before him.  Just as any king on earth and so much more so...we are called to give him homage.  Imagine if we were to go before a king (or in our case the president) for a special ceremony...what would we do?  We would clean up and dress in our best and maybe have a special gift to give him out of respect and admiration for the position of authority he holds.

In the book I read to the children tonight (The Clown of God by Tomie dePaola...Zaira loved it by the way!), we learned of an old clown who stood before the King and his last gift on this earth was his juggling.  One might think that is a strange gift to give God; however, we are all given gifts that we are to offer to God...throughout our lives...if we share these gifts for the better good then we please God...King of Kings!

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