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Monday, December 15, 2014

Gaudette Sunday

The third week of Advent begins today with Gaudette Sunday!  It is a time to be joyful as the coming of the Lord is drawing near.  The anticipation that is building is a lot like you feel when you are waiting for a special visitor to arrive from out of town or a new baby to be born.  Of course, this is not surprising to most, as this is the time we remember the birth of Jesus.  We often have family who come to visit during this time of year.

Even though we have a lot of family coming and going to celebrate, we should not forget that the most important visitor we will have in our home should be Jesus!  Many times that means sharing the story of Jesus with the people who come to your home as well.  Remember to make way for the Lord.

Today we arrived at our religious education classroom for a celebration for Gaudette Sunday.  We served snacks and made special crafts to take home.  It was a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Then we went to Mass...the deacon said something about the season that I really appreciated.  "We need to remember that joy is something we can all have if we remember that all of our joy is centered around Jesus being born so we could have salvation."  It is easy to fall into the trap that there is not enough and we lose sight of the joy that the season should really bring to us.

We then rushed home to grab a bite to eat before going to a caroling event with our 4-H group.  Read more about that on my 4-H blog.

We ended to day by FINALLY watching the end to Tora! Tora! Tora! and then off to bed.  Of course, we added our ornament to the Jesse Tree and a figure to the nativity scene.  Michael was also able to read some more of our Advent story.

A full day and it was nice to go to bed by the time we were done!

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