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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Saved by the Bag

Well...sort of...we will never know how bad Michael would have been hurt had he not had the airbags.  We are just thankful that he is OK.

He has been driving a different route the last week, as he is training with the Army Guard at Camp Bullis at this time.  He was heading home last night, and he had called to tell me that he was sorry that he was running late.  He was just saying that he would be home in 15 minutes and was about to say good-bye....when instead, I hear:  "Oh no...this is not going to be good!"  Then...silence...not a good thing to hear.

Then...I heard Michael say that he had been in a wreck...he was OK...but needed to go see about getting out of the car and checking on the others.

You do not realize how long thirty minutes takes unless you are watching the clock.  When you are busy, it seems to go by quickly and you are wishing you had more time.  When you are waiting...especially for something like this...the time goes by so slow!  It just so happens that I had Facebook up and I got a message from my cousin (Karen).  I told her what had happened and I was waiting to hear back.  She said, "...praying some peace while you stay distracted with young ones with a fast beating heart."  So true!  I told her it is easy to be distracted by all the little ones running around.  I prayed that he truly was OK and waited.

Meanwhile, this is what he says happened:

I was talking with Michelle on speaker phone and I was just about to hang up when I saw the truck in front of me slam on his brakes.  I knew that I was not going to be able to stop in time so I hollered out and slammed on my brakes.  Thankfully the person behind me was able to stop in time to not hit me.  Unfortunately, the same was not true for me.  I tried to veer to the side but it was not enough and I hit the truck at an angle to his right end.  The Toyota did not even touch his high bumper until half way up my engine block.  Due to the angle, the front end of the car pushed my driver side back.  

My airbags were "exploding" everywhere (The only one that did not go off was the passenger side because it automatically turns off when there is not a passenger.)  The sound is extraordinary...I later told an Army buddy that I would rather hear the sound of the tank main gun going off.  There was also a terrible smell throughout the car.  

I tried to open my driver side door but it would not budge.  So, I had to climb through the side door.  I checked on the other drivers.  There were five of us in all.  Then I tried to call 9-1-1.  I got through but then they hung up!  I went back to the other drivers and no one thought to call the police, so I tried to call to a direct line to the police department and it went to a recorded message that I should try back during business hours.  SO...I tried 9-1-1 again...this time I got through and they sent someone out.  Thankfully no one was hurt other than bruises.  
Hard to the bruising on his nose but I am sure it hurts! nose did hurt a lot!  The air bag pushed my glasses into my nose and I am quite bruised where the ridge crosses my nose.  I do not think it is broken.  My head hurt really bad but I do not think I have a concussion.  I call my insurance after exchanging insurance with the driver of the truck.  I find out that the vehicle that started the trouble coming on to the entrance ramp to quickly has already fled the scene.  I guess I am glad that there is not a sixth car sitting with the rest of us but it is annoying that they did not make sure we are OK.

Two police cars show up and talk to all of us.  No tickets were issued.  I am not sure how insurance will handle this when there are so many vehicles involved.  I am just glad I have insurance that works quickly.  I had the tow truck here in less than thirty minutes and I already have a rental car set to pick up in the morning. 

I called Michelle and told her the news...sent pictures of the vehicle.  I did not get home in 15 minutes as planned...took me more than two hours when all was said and done.  

The vehicle does not look very good.  It will be interesting to see if they consider it totaled.  I have been told that the chances are higher when airbags deploy.  I guess I am glad we got the gap insurance when I bought it back in January (at least I hope we did that!). we wait.  Appraisers and claims to be filed...wait for accident report to see how that works out.  But all is good...Michael is safe....that is all that really matters.

I told him later that he should have hollered, "I love you, Michelle" or at most I would have liked to have heard him say "Help me, God!"...because as I know he was in a wreck the last thing I want to hear before he crashes is "This is not going to be good."

Also...when he bought this car back in January, he was a little upset because it did not have power windows. I figured why pay for a fancier model (We did get a good deal on this car!) when he would only be riding it to work and back.  So, I told when he talked to the appraiser, he should say...the only thing I know is that the power windows do not work!  LOL!  I have to get the guy to laugh!  He was really shook up by it all!

I guess you know when you live in the city, when you get into a 5-car pile up and nobody thinks it is a big deal.  One man did pull to the side to help Michael push his car to the side of the road.  We also learned that the police in San Antonio only issues tickets if they see an accident or there are injuries.  I also wonder about how insurance will handle this.  When driving on the freeway, you cannot leave space between cars easily...if you leave space there is always somebody who will cut in to take the space.  Having ample room in between cars for safe braking distance is near impossible.  Crazy world!  It is times like this when I really miss the country life.

UPDATE:  Car was totaled...Michael was very lucky to not have injuries.  We will be looking for new car watch for the big post on the car shopping adventure sometime in June!

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