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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ninja Warrior Cleaning

After a long bout with the flu, we are hoping at least the worst of this is over.  So, yesterday I decided we need a cleaning frenzy to rid ourselves of any germs left around!

I sat everyone down before serving the noon meal (Smart, right?  Getting them to agree to help BEFORE serving the food!) and told them my master plan!

Everybody would take a small part of the job to rid our house of the germs.  I told the boys that they were ninja warriors who each had a mission to fight the bad germs throughout our house!

(AKA Little Warrior with a Punch!)
would clean all of the door knobs throughout the house!

(AKA Master with a Kick)
would take on the task of light switches!

(AKA Quiet Guru)
had the epic job of cleaning all the sinks and tubs!

(AKA Mile full of Smile)
cleaned all of the toilets...inside and out!

(AKA Wise and Proud)
could not be outdone and took on everyone's task!

Amanda and Katy
(AKA Twin Action Duo)
cleaned all of their upstairs area and orchestrated all the sheets being washed!

Me!  Well, I cleaned all the appliances, counters and kept Dad in bed so he would not contaminated the areas that were being cleaned since he was still sick enough to stay home from work!

We completed the job in less than an hour!

Now...if only we could tackle our school day like this!  We could rule the world!

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