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Friday, November 21, 2014

One Crazy Pro-Life Famliy

We had a great time on Tuesday.  The older boys and I headed out the door at the break of dawn to head over to the site for a luncheon.  We would spend the next 2+ hours setting up tables with place settings and decorations.  We also filled pitchers with water and tea...filled cups with ice...set out boxed lunches...for 250 guests.  This was the first fundraising luncheon for a great pregnancy help center in San Antonio.

I have been working as a volunteer at the center for the last two months.  I have really enjoyed helping the women who come into the center seeking assistance.  It is so fulfilling to know that we are making a difference in their lives.

We enjoyed hearing about the family who facilitates the center.  Miguel and Iris have dedicated their lives to saving women and babies from the pain of abortion and helping them be able to choose life.  They have not only given their time and money to this ministry, but also their home...taking in pregnant women when they have no one else.

We also heard the story of a woman who felt she had no choice over 40 years ago.  She was forced to have an abortion and only through prayer and love was she able to heal.  I was able to speak to her briefly and hope to help her in the future with spiritual healing for other women.

The event ended with a story of a young woman who was in a similar situation.  However, her story had a different ending thanks to the assistance from Iris and Miguel as well as the support of the community.  She was rewarded the Courageous Mother Award for this year.  Her story is the inspiration for the volunteers to continuing the efforts at the center.

Those who came to the event were very generous....this support will now lead us to have the opportunity to open a second location in the south side of town.  We are also on our way to having a mobile ultrasound that can travel throughout the city.  This will lead to more women being able to make wise choices for their lives and the life of their baby.  It is great to be a part of this event!

However, this was not the end of our day.  At the close of the luncheon (12:30), we loaded everyone into the van and headed to East Texas (5 hour drive) for the 30th anniversary of the Pregnancy Help Center.  We have been a part of this center for the last 10 years and we could not resist celebrating with them.

I cannot tell you how special this event was for everyone involved.  We heard stories that showed that the dignity of life bears good fruit.  We heard from Marcia who heard the call to open a facility to help women 30 years ago.  We heard from Pam who had an answer to prayer to become the second director of the center.

We also heard from one of the first mothers who was helped by the center.  She not only had the joy of being a mother, but also the joy of seeing her now adult son enter the seminary.  What would their lives be like without the support of the center?  None of us want to know the answer to that question.  She is just one of many helped over the years.

Then we heard from Paula (the current director...and our friend)...she told us how the work of the center brings hope to the women but also joy for all the staff.  Paula was so excited about celebrating the last 30 years and praying for another 30+ years to come.

When we arrived (just in time for the dinner), we found out we were given special seating near the front of the room.  The children were excited to be able to watch the event so closely.

This allowed Henry a chance to take a good close up of Paula.  He then took this photo and drew her portrait!  He is really getting good at this and he was happy to give this to her as a gift at the end of the night.

Oh...and Zaira was a real trouper...after 5 hours in the van, she was happy to dance and sing along with the group during their performance.  When Paula asked the crowd if they thought they would see so many people on stage, she thought that was a call forward...she was ready to head up on stage and give her own performance and testimony!  She also was freely giving out hugs (even to strangers...although we knew them!)   She was given a cute teddy bear at the end of the night for being so cute!

It was a emotional but joyful night...and to add to that joy our family was able to spend time with old friends.  After the 3 hour event, we got back in our van and drove the 5 hours back to San Antonio!  Yep...that is the crazy way this Pro-life family likes to roll!  And we loved every minute of it!

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