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Friday, October 3, 2014

Two Weeks and Into October

I have to stop doing seems I like I am trying to marathon through my blog posts these days!  I guess starting school and getting back into a routine kept me pretty busy!  But no excuses...the last couple of weeks have been a lot of fun and I wanted to share...

The second half of the month started out with a split action...we had two events at the same time...Michael took the boys to a new project being offered by 4H...falconry!  More on that on my 4H blog site...while I took the younger set to a beekeepers meeting.  Unfortunately, the meeting was a dud...the guest speaker did not show up and there was just a general questions from the group.  There was a honey bee photo contest.  Henry and I both entered photos.  However, a professional photographer entered her closeup shots and won.  I am all for the professional but thought it was a little lopsided since she not only entered the contest but also brought a wide variety of photos to sell.  I guess I was just expecting it to be a fun contest among the beekeepers.  Although I will admit she had some beautiful shots!  It just kind of took the fun out it.  Oh well!

The next day we went to our first home school event in the area.  It was with the local Catholic group to celebrate the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  It was nice to have the Catholic influence enjoyed by a large group.  I have not had that in a long time!  The weather was looking really bad just before the party and we were not sure if having it at a park was a good idea.  However, I assured the mom in charge that Mary would not let it rain on her party.  Sure enough...the party went as planned and then a huge clap of thunder and the rain began...first a few drops of us enough time to clean up and then the rain came down...we all had just enough time to make it to our vehicles!  Thank you Mary!

This was also the day I started a self-defense class at the library.  It is pretty intense and is supposed to last for a year.  The instructor is wonderful and patient with us.  He really just wants us to be safe.  We have learned so much...the main aware of our surroundings and be ready to gain control of the situation.  Also, we should never be afraid of defending ourselves as the attacker would have no problem hurting us if given opportunity.  He also talks about terrorism and is convinced that our awareness could stop an attack...which is always a possibility.  Of course, he also finished each class telling he that he hopes we never need to use the skills he is teaching us.

Michael and I are back in action in the classroom...Sunday School class that is...we have taken on the upper high school course.  Unfortunately , our first class was a one showed.  However, we stuck it out and had a small class of five the next week.  We just hope they will continue coming.  Looking forward to sharing the faith through out the year.

The following week we took to the garden...the San Antonio Botanical Gardens!  It was so much fun as there was a LEGO display set up throughout the garden.  However,even without this exhibit, the gardens were so interesting.  We look forward to returning to future events and just for another day to wander the grounds.  There was a Japanese Peace Garden, a conservatory, regional Texas gardens, children's garden and so much more.  Henry and I also took a zillion pictures of flowers and insects.  Just a great time all around.  Going through the East Texas region was hard...made us home sick, but now we know where to go when we feel the need to take in East Texas if we cannot get there in person.

I love how Zaira is willing to act silly with Edward!
The next day took us on a different realm...a Pro-life Rally kicking off the fall 40 Days for Life campaign.  We saw our dear friend David lead the group to be motivated for the prayerful presence outside of the clinic that does abortions.  Of course, our family is committed to prayer and will be out on the sidewalk this fall.

The month ended with a community service project for 4H...Henry and I took photographs for a Buddy Walk...walk celebrating Down Syndrome.  More on this on the 4H blog as we teamed them to make this happen.

After that fun morning, we headed to the library for a Civil War demonstration.  A group from the Sons of the Confederacy displayed their weapons, medical supplies, uniforms, and every day utensils for us.  They also came in perio
d clothing and gave talks throughout the afternoon.  We were even fed a good Civil War meal!  It was a lot of fun!  My favorite talk was about the horses ridden by the Civil War leaders.  I am convinced the man who gave the talk should write a book.  In fact, I offered to help him write a children's book.  I think it is the perfect way to introduce the Civil War to younger children.  However, I am not sure I would tell the bloody way the horses were killed in that for when they are older!

Zaira with our beloved librarian making a corn husk doll
The library continued the Civil War theme (it actually will continue throughout the month of October as we are to read Wild Rose for the community book this month) with the showing of the movie Glory. the way...I have now won two drawings at these events...I won a book on the Civil War (Faces of the Civil War) and a library cookbook.  I never win anything!  It was so surprising!  Then Michael won a gift card for Amazon because he completed a scavenger hunt last month.  We love the library so it would not make or break us coming, but it does make it fun!

To end the post, we went to a special Mass attended by all home school families today for First Friday.  Sean and Edward served on the altar and Henry was the lector.  They did a great job.  We followed Mass with a get together at the park.  It is a great way for us to meet people.  I even met a woman who moved here from Longview (last week!).  We know many of the same people from church so that was nice for both of us.

Many things yet to do in October...I hope to write about these events as they happen.  Now that I am back into a routine, I should have more time to make that happen.

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