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Friday, September 25, 2020

Trying to Get Our Mind Off the Obvious

September 25 (Friday)... Today I began the day with Mass. I thought it fitting that I be the one to read the passage from Ecclesiastes:

”There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every thing under the heavens. ... What advantage has the worker from his toil? I have considered the task that God has appointed for the sons of men to be busied about. He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts, without man’s ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which God has done.” (Full passage Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)

We have to be open to God’s timing. And today I felt that the time was right to enjoy a day in small town USA. We had completed all our school for the week. We were off to spend the day in Wimberley.  We had a great time exploring the town. For those who don’t know the area, it is such a great place to explore. It is actually a touristy spot with lots of little shops and eateries along the center of town. What brought us to the area?  Painted boots!  There are 50 larger than life boots in this little town and we wanted to see as many as we could. It turned out to be a busy day so we only saw about half of them but we had fun trying to spot them around town. Then we enjoyed lunch before heading home. 

Now, you might ask how this relates to the passage above. I think that at the surface, it is just about having a time to laugh. But really going deeper, it has to do with a time to live. I have said this many times now. I am learning to live with cancer. I have been so blessed with so much energy. After learning the cancer has spread beyond what we thought, I could have used that energy to sulk and say woe is me. But I just could not do that. 

As I told the ladies who assist Fr. Martin after Mass... I am not feeling any pain in my hip or other areas. I feel like dancing!  So, obviously God has given me this gift of energy for some better purpose. I will use it for good.  Today it was to take my mom and children to Wimberley. 

However, I am also excited to be able to spend tomorrow leading a retreat for our diocese. I have been working toward this day for almost a year. And now with my new experience of cancer, I feel even more prepared to lead this ministry discernment retreat. We all are called to find where God is leading us to serve. Just as the passage says...”there is a time for every thing! ....I have considered the task that God has appointed for the sons of men to be busied about! “  Not busied about in aimless wanderings but in the direction that God will take us. In his homily, Fr. Martin made this final remark, “It is time to live in the reality of today.”  We are not promised another moment, so we should live for the time we have now!

What a refreshing day in the beautiful small town hub!  My friend asked why I was not home resting!  I thought breathing in a little bit of small town air was more refreshing!  Now I am ready to go out and share how others can find God’s gifts in their lives. 

Have you found how God is calling you?  If the answer is yes, then I pray you not forget he is with you in your mission. If the answer is no, then I pray you spend some time in prayer (maybe even go on a discernment retreat) to discover how God is calling you!  I truly will be praying for you all tomorrow during the quiet moments of the day. 

God bless you all!!!

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