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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Glorifying God In Spite of Life Difficulties

 September 30 (Wednesday)...  

I started out the day with Mass. Today we celebrate one of my favorite saints...St Jerome. He is well known for his dedication in translating the Bible to the vernacular of his day. His translation is known as the Vulgate which was used to spread the message of the Gospel throughout the Roman empire. However, I have always been drawn to him for his straightforward letters to explain the faith. He worked on the Bible translation and wrote letters to those with questions from a cave outside of Bethlehem.  A practical theologian that I could relate was especially nice to consider when I was working on my theology degree. Hard to believe that was over ten years ago!  

“Lord God, your words were found and I consumed them; your word became the joy and the happiness of my heart.”  Jeremiah 15:16

This was the closing prayer for Mass. And I thought it was quite fitting as I left from here to pick up my mom for her cardiologist appointment.  May her heart be full of joy and happiness today was my prayer. 

Almost three hours later, my mom walked out of her appointment satisfied that her doctor was making good decisions for her health. He asked her if she had had a heart attack in the past. She had already told him in previous appointment her history. He said there was definitely signs of weakness that concern him. He was insistent with his questions about past episodes that might have been overlooked  (i.e. fainting, passing out, black outs, etc.) but my mom has never had any of these issues. 

He then asked if she would be willing to add a new medication, which she agreed as long as it did not cause her to have breathing issues (she has had experience with this medication in the past). He would also like to do an angioplasty and if needed he will do a stint at the time. It isn't scheduled, but we are thinking it will happen in the next two weeks. This will add to our October schedule, but somehow we will fit this in to our already busy month. 

We came home and finished up the remainder of our school day. Sean had been begging to take me to a movie and this turned out to be a good night. It turned out we had a private showing of “Infidel.”  It was a great movie about an American Christian held hostage for his faith in Iran. I encourage others to go see it. 

At our family prayer last night, it seemed fitting to remember that we are all called to follow in the path portrayed in the movie. And also seen in the life of St.Jerome: 

“Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”  (Hebrews 13:7)

So, in spite of what happens in our lives... cancer...heart to day rumblings of family life...we continue to find ways to glorify the Lord and share with others. 

God bless you all!  We really appreciate your support and prayers through all of these struggles in our lives. God forever remains good and we praise him!!!

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