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Friday, July 31, 2020

We Will Take the Good News When We Can Get It

July 29 (Wednesday)... I have been enjoying several days without incident. I have had high energy level and able to complete basic tasks around the house. I even enjoyed a nice drive out on some nearby country roads (for those who know me that means I added some smiley faces to my geo-map).  So not a lot to report other than lots of praise and thanksgiving for so many days filled with normal activities.  

Tomorrow I ask for special prayers. I will be going in early in the morning for my second round of liver radiation. This is another all day procedure and will like being very tiring. There is always the possibility of adverse reactions as well. 

Tonight I just rest and say some extra prayers myself. These prayers include any needs you might have to be lifted up to God. I pray for all my prayer warriors daily.  God bless you all!!

July 30 (Thursday)... When a doctor tells you he does not want to see you again, I have learned to take this as good news. 

I went in early this morning to have my second radiation treatment to my liver. I completed the embolization with little incident. Spent my three hours of designated time flat on my back to ensure I was not having any internal bleeding. I voiced my concern that my back bone was weak from radiation, so the radiologist ensured me that he would make it easier for me during the recovery period. And he did that with little side effects (only a slight headache) so I really had an easy time today. Ending the time with him telling me that he was happy to tell me that he would probably not see me again. Yay! 


The only excitement of the day came when I was leaving via the nurse driven wheelchair. We started out the door to the exit when we were stopped. The way was blocked by a nurse refusing to let us even open the door. My nurse turned back and said she had a different path. We came to a second guarded door!  She looked down at me and asked if I knew what was happening. I told her that I thought they must be transferring a Covid-19 patient. Yes, and now she was going to take me on a tour of the hospital. What should have taken two minutes, ended up taking 15 minutes. However, she was determined to keep me safe and away from the very sick patient. 

Once again, I am so thankful for my medical staff. I am sad to lose another great group of caregivers. However, so thankful this part of my treatment is over. Praying this radiation will continue to shrink those tumors down to nothing. 

At this time, doctors tell me this is only a way to keep the tumors contained within my liver. However, God knows the plan. I believe in his ability to shrink these tumors so they never cause pain and suffering again. Ultimately, I trust God to give me the time on this earth to complete my mission he has given me. 

I returned home earlier than expected and enjoyed a restful evening taking in the view from my sun room. Thanks for the prayers as I know the peace I felt was from the grace of God answering your unified prayers. God bless you all!!

July 31 (Friday)... Well the day after treatment always seems to be the worst for me. I really am out of sorts and then just fatigue. Now that we all know that here, we try to just let it go. I rest and the others do what they can to make things work. And if things don’t happen, we save it for another day. 

So not much to report for the day. 

I did make contact with the priest for a new parish that is trying to start. I had a big surprise that I will share tomorrow. 

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