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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

My Body Does not Like This

 July 14 (Tuesday)... 

Well, today started out with a little trouble. If you read through the long post yesterday, then you know I was already having some issues. However, I thought that was all coincidence. 

I woke up with a terrible headache and upset stomach. My first thought was I must be having a reaction from the chemo. So I would need to talk to them when I showed up for chemo treatment. 

So I got ready quickly and out the door for radiation. 

Remember my story about music from yesterday?  Well, today gives a little more humorous side to the mix. I got in position under the mask. And then the music played. And I believe the song was a Toby Kieth song that came out after 9-11. The song is called “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue”. Toward the end of the song he sings...”I’ll put a boot up your ass.”  Not very spiritual thought but I thought to myself if you add Cancer, I’ll put a boot up your ass it would work!  And if you think about it Jesus did say we should allow for righteousness justice. So I think it could work. But I did go back to my Jesus, I trust in you!  And all other songs were played in a way I could not hear. 

Best part of the treatment...they got that mask time down to 8 minutes!!!  Yay!!  I was so happy, I wanted to do a jig around the room!  Finished treatment in record time. Praise God!!!

We had about an hour before we could sneak into Nurse Cindy's chemo schedule. I felt like a high protein breakfast might be in order so we found a Cracker Barrel nearby and were happy to see only a few people in the dining area. We had a great waitress who took care of us, especially my dietary needs. Enjoyed the breakfast but I still was not feeling well. 

Arrived at cancer center and Nurse Cindy was practically waiting for me at the check in. She noticed right away that I was not in a good place. She wanted to know everything!  What did I eat...when did the symptoms start...was I on new medication???  

Then BINGO!!!  I started a nausea patch Sunday evening. She called Dr. D and he said get it off ASAP!!!  Then they put me on my regular anti-inflammatory steroid at 4x the rate. I also went back to regular nausea medicine that I happened to have in my purse. The symptoms were somewhat relieved by the time I ended my treatment but it still took some time. I no only have the headache but bearable.  


My mom did have time in the car today but she made it work and only had a little of the 100+ temperatures in the last hour. I remain so grateful for her help!  

We arrived home and I slept a lot. I woke up to go to an intro parent meeting for Zaira's new school. And I got some questions answered. 

Then Sandy arrived with a nice light meal. Just what we needed today. More rest. Then awake enough to write this blog post and have family prayers. 

I am going to hope for a good night rest. Treatment tomorrow starts with radiation at noon and chemo directly after this. So I have no need to rush out the door. 

Pray for the treatments to continue to go smoothly. Pray for the nausea patch to wear off quickly. 

God bless!!

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