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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Surgery Day is Here! And Recovery!

June 5 (Friday)... the day had come for surgery. I thought it was amazing to be with the nurses and doctors pre-op. It was like they were all hand picked for me. We talked about large families, home schooling and essential oils. I was felling great and took my little pre-anesthesia cocktail and did not remember a thing until I was nicely tucked into my hospital bed on North 5 wing. 

I would find out later that the procedure was delayed an hour but once started all went well. All was as planned and biopsy results would be available by the end of next week. 

Now I just needed to lay in bed and recover. Baby steps so I could return home. 

I had two of the best nurses taking care of me day and night. They are my superheroes because they knew I needed to rest but i also needed to progress so did not stay in hospital. A good combination that led to my speedy release. God id good.

June 6 (Saturday)...  nurses got me walking the halls. And my bodily functions were doing what they were supposed to be doing. I was off pain meds. And hoping to have a meal for the first time in four days. Turned out a meal meant clear flavorless chicken broth. I imagined it was something else and hoped for something better by dinner time. 

More walking and spent my down time writing in my journal and praying. I got to talk to the family and all was good on the home front. Rest and recovery. 

Dinner brought beef broth with a little more flavor thanks to the nurse. I would hope for better food the next day. 

A visit from a doctor to let me know I was progressing well. Maybe I could go home tomorrow.  I was all for going home if they thought I was ready.

June 7 (Sunday)... up early and hungry. The nurse thought I should stay with liquid diet but she had some vegetable soup with more flavor. I just could not eat the veggies. 

The nurse shift change brought a new nurse on board. My regular night nurse introduced me as one tough lady who refused pain meds and did not watch tv. I laughed because it did not even cross my mind to turn on the television. I do have a high tolerance to pain. I consider the pressure in my abdomen as discomfort not pain. If i can avoid pain medicine I am going to press on without it. Besides it was only painful when I got out of my chair (no bed for me because i hated the roll technique to get up) or when I coughed. 

I had a robotic surgery which means five incisions along my right side and then one along the lower abdomen for removal of the portion of my colon. A lot of healing to happen but not really a lot of pain. 

I met with the associate doctor for my surgeon (he had the weekend off). He told me all looked great. But i would not be able to go home until my actual surgeon had a look at me the next day. He did move me up to a soft diet. What would lunch bring?

Lunch. Not so nice as i was given tomato soup and pudding. Both of these were not on my diet plan. By the time it was worked out it was time for dinner. Then i was brought a full meal that was just a regular meal. Not on my diet plan. So my nurses got involved and i had the amazing dinner of mashed potatoes. Haha!  I took the meal and determined it was time to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. I am not picky and I don’t like to complain but it had now been five days without food. I was hungry!

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