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Monday, July 29, 2013

Well...It Is Official

With tears of sadness and joy, I write this post...we officially spoke to a realtor today about putting our property on the market.  I have put off the idea for a long time and only told a few close friends to pray for us to make the right decision.  After many doors closing and many more opening, I think it is finally clear to us that it is time to start packing boxes and deciding what we really need to move to a new home.

Michael accepted a job in San Antonio.  It has been a long time since we have been together as a family under one roof and Michael coming home each night to be with us.  I am happy that the light at the end of the tunnel is finally her, but I am sad that it takes away from all the friends we have met here.

It is hard to believe that this is the longest we have lived in one area...almost ten years....half of our married life and birth place of two of our children.  Most of our children only remember details about our life in this area.

I could tell about how many friends have helped us along this journey but I would fear forgetting someone.  Besides...I still have to sell our house before we can move, so I am not going to get too sentimental just yet!

I still have a lot of work to get everything in order.  Thankfully, we have already done so much to the house that there are just a few tweaks here and there that need to be done.  I need to paint one last room...we call it the blue room because is just so darn blue....always has been and I wish I could walk away without painting it now!  But a quick coat of paint would be helpful.  I also need to find the closet doors we took off from the start....I think they are in the garage so please pray I can find them.  And finally....the big job of the lot...the YARD...dun dun dun!  I am seriously thinking about calling some one to come do this...I just do not have the time to mess with it and I am not always a yard person...let's just say...I have to be in the mood...and July summer heat is far from my kind of yard work weather.  So...that is the worst of the job for me!

Of course...Michael had to go to training for Army and then starts his job that really does leave it to me to get this done.  Please pray for me to have patience during this time...and also for trust...I need to trust that God has the plan and I just have to be open to it.

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