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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Taking a Rest To Make it Through the Next Part

October 27 (Tuesday)...

I went into hiding for a few least that is what I have been told by family and friends. However, I really have not had a lot happening. And this is my third week following chemo, which always seems to be a week when I feel tired. Normally, I would be gearing up for my next round of treatments but I don’t have chemo next week. Nothing to get excited about in that regard because we are in the process of reevaluating the plan for treatment. That means more scans next week and then a review on November 9th with Dr. Drengler. 

Michael and the crew had a great time camping and geocaching around the area. I will add a few pictures from their adventures. I left little notes for them to find throughout the weekend. I even had a friend hide a few extra ones along trails. A big thank you to all the Texas Geo-campers who helped make their weekend a fun one. 

My mom and I enjoyed a quiet and restful weekend at home. Our new friends, Rita and John, were so kind to bring us a meal on Saturday. They also offered to take us to church but we had no problem driving there ourselves. 

Yesterday, I decided to wear my Wookie shirt. I used to wear it on days when my hair was a crazy mess. Today felt like one of those kind of days even though I still have very little hair. I guess I always feel like it gives me some kind of control even though I know I really does not. 

I had a follow up appointment with my gastrointestinal specialist. When I was trying to check in for my appointment, I had my phone ringing. There are signs all over the waiting room saying absolutely no phone calls. I looked at the receptionist and threw up my hands and said, “I have to answer this one because I have cancer!”  Even as I said this I had to laugh. Like that gives me special allowances or something. What I really meant was I thought it was one of my doctors that I had tried to contact all last week. The receptionist just smiled and told me to go ahead. It turned out to be just who I thought and now I have my follow up arranged with my neurosurgeon. I am hoping that means I will be released to drive again but that will not happen until the end of next week. 

Then I got back to the exam room. And overheard through the door that the doctor was not sure why he was meeting with me. So when he came into the room I asked him if we could figure out why I was there together. We both found it funny to meet when I was doing so well regarding my colon. I told him that I was thankful for his care when everything was just getting started back in May. He told me to come back in a year and that sounded good to me. 

Then I made my way to my final round of radiation treatments. When it was over, the techs asked if I wanted to keep my mask again. I told them no way because I did not want to use it again. They asked what the plan was for my future treatment. I told them I continued to be naively optimistic as always. I thanked them and went on my way. 

So that is my excitement for the last few days. Nothing really to sneeze about for me. 

I think with so much time between appointments with Dr. Drengler it may seem like more should be done to help me. However, I have always felt like treatment has come quickly. Tonight the reflection for our family prayer was very helpful in explaining that following in faith allows me to feel at peace. 

It began with the opening song:

This hymn can be sung to the tune used for

For the Beauty of the Earth

When the way is hard to find,

Seeking first the Father’s will,

Lord, your promise call to mind,

All your purposes fulfill:

When the way is hard to find

Lead your pilgrim people still.

Faith be strong and doubt depart,

Fear and unbelief be gone;

Peace possess the anxious heart

Where the light of Christ has shone:

Faith be strong and doubt depart,

Lead your pilgrim people on. 

The reflection then continued with understanding how we can trust in God to take care of us. 

Ending with the simple phrase:

Show us the way to life!  

It reminded me about the Psalm my friend, Shannon, shared with me over the weekend. I think it should be placed on my mirror so I see it each morning. 

“Send me your light and faithful care, 

let them lead me.”  Psalm 43:3

God wants to give us faithful care. We just need to be open to this need and his willingness to give. 

And so I continue with testing and doctor appointments...and treatments and rest...and even being tired and the yucky upset stomach and other side effects. But I remain at peace. 

Thanks for all the concerns and prayers. It looks like a quiet week so I will probably not touch base here until Monday. But one never knows. God’s blessings to all.


Marylee O'Connor Krutz

You are amazing! You bring a joy to my heart with your knowledge of our faith. It is a blessing at this crazy covid time when it is nearly impossible to go Mass. Thanks MichelleReynolds..xoxo

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